Navigating Leskernick: a guide for [web]site seers

Paul Basu

Department of Anthropology, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT. U.K.


I hope this short, informal, navigational tour of the Leskernick Project web site will be useful to others who are considering electronic publication of archaeological and anthropological field research. This is not to suggest that it ought to stand as some kind of model: it is exemplary of nothing more than a continued experimentation with the form of this particular medium. As always, such tours - in real as well as virtual worlds - provide ample opportunity for digression. Indeed, it is often the tour guide's unscripted aside that proves to be the most interesting detail.

With apologies to Internet Archaeology for jumping in and out of a neat format, I propose that this article be read in parallel with pages from the Leskernick site. I shall not repeat information provided there; merely comment upon it. Pursuing the metaphor, it will be a tour in which passengers are occasionally required to pile out of the coach, wander around a bit and then, hopefully, find their way back to the coach park before the next leg. In this instance, you have the pleasure of driving the coach too - clicking on the embedded screen shots will open the corresponding pages of the Leskernick site in a separate browser window.

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