Excavation Publication and the Internet

Caroline Wickham-Jones

21 Dudley Gardens, Edinburgh, EH6 4PU. Scotland.
Email: c.wickham-jones@dial.pipex.com


This paper describes my experiences when writing up an excavation report for publication on the Internet. Internet publication is a relatively new phenomenon to archaeology and it is something that we are only just beginning to get accustomed to. I had little previous experience of the Internet and no experience of working with hypertext. I was very naive and I had a lot to learn. Perhaps my experience can benefit others.

In addition, electronic wizardry being what it is, detailed records are kept relating to the ways in which Internet publications are used and read. The final sections of this article present some of this data for the paper in question, and discuss the relative merits and drawbacks of the use of the Internet for the publication of excavation data. In the conclusions I look at the challenge for archaeologists if we are to make the most of these new developments.

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