Ave Valley Survey: Pottery Fabrics per Hectare Full Results

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Field no. 561
Area m² 2741.25
Total No. of Sherds 193.342453260374
Total Weight (in gms) 715.00227998176
Fabric 202 sherds 3.64797081623347
Fabric 202 weight 14.5918832649339
Fabric 205 sherds 21.8878248974008
Fabric 205 weight 43.7756497948016
Fabric 209 sherds 7.29594163246694
Fabric 209 weight 7.29594163246694
Fabric 212 sherds 3.64797081623347
Fabric 212 weight 3.64797081623347
Fabric 215 sherds 14.5918832649339
Fabric 215 weight 29.1837665298678
Fabric 301 sherds 10.9439124487004
Fabric 301 weight 7.29594163246694
Fabric 302 sherds 65.6634746922025
Fabric 302 weight 251.709986320109
Fabric 303 sherds 7.29594163246694
Fabric 303 weight 80.2553579571363
Fabric 308 sherds 32.8317373461012
Fabric 308 weight 167.80665754674
Fabric 314 sherds 3.64797081623347
Fabric 314 weight 18.2398540811674
Fabric 317 sherds 10.9439124487004
Fabric 317 weight 47.4236206110351
Fabric 323 sherds 3.64797081623347
Fabric 323 weight 10.9439124487004
Fabric 501 sherds 3.64797081623347
Fabric 501 weight 21.8878248974008
Fabric 602 sherds 3.64797081623347
Fabric 602 weight 10.9439124487004


© Internet Archaeology URL: /home/intarch/journal/issue9/millett/pottery_per_hectare_fr.cfm?fieldata_id=561
Last updated: Thur Jul 22 2004