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ABCD: 1038

Fishbourne 61-9 Chichester (Harbour)

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Fishbourne 61-9, Chichester (Harbour), 1971, Sussex (E & W), England SU830040
Period: Roman/Flavian period AD50-100
Category: palace
Notes: samples of garden soil from turf & bedding trench
Topography: coastal/streamside
Condition: dry
Report type: pollen

Greig J R A. 1971. Pollen analysis from the garden soil. 372-6. In: Cunliffe B W. Excavations at Fishbourne 1961-9. 2. The Finds. Soc. Antiq. Research Committee Report 27. England, Sussex (E & W)

Processed by
JRG - Greig, James R: Birmingham Univ, Dept Plant Sciences

Sample: 1038a

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Bryophyta pol w Q + 1
Calluna vulgaris pol w Q + 1
Compositae Liguliflorae pol w QX + 1
Compositae Tubuliflorae pol w QX + 1
Dryopteris pol w Q + 1
Fraxinus excelsior pol w Q + 1
Gramineae pol w Q + 1
Hedera helix pol w Q + 1
Ilex sp. pol w Q + 1
Pinus sp. pol w Q + 1
Plantago sp. pol w Q + 1
Polypodiales pol w QX + 1
Pteridium aquilinum pol w Q + 1
Ranunculus type pol w Q + 1
Salix sp. pol w Q + 1
Tilia sp. pol w Q + 1

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007