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ABCD: 1072

Ardnave 77-80 Islay, Inner Habrides

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Ardnave 77-80, Islay, Inner Habrides, 1983, Strathclyde, Scotland NR289745
Period: Bronze age-Iron age
Category: settlement
Notes: unstable sand dunes
Topography: coastal sand dunes, lowland, island
Condition: dry
Report type: cereal grain

Dickson C A. 1984. Appendix 3 Fruits, seeds and charcoal from Ardnave, Islay. 358-60. In: Ritchie G and Welfare H. 1984. Excavations at Ardnave, Isley. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scotland. 113 (for 1983). 302-66. Scotland, Strathclyde

Processed by
CAD - Dickson, Camilla: Glasgow Univ (nee Lambert)

Sample: 1072a
Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
PH.BA Period 2 house floor nr Bronze Age -1860 -1215

Context integrity: 3
Context preservation: bu
Dating method: C14
Dating validity: 3
Environmental interpretion: -
Archaeological interpretion: floor of house

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Alnus sp. cwd c + 1
Betula sp. cwd c + 1
cf. Sorbus aucuparia pro c 1 1
Chenopodium sp. pro c 1 1
Corylus sp. cwd c + 1
Fraxinus sp. cwd c + 1
Hordeum vulgare pro c ! 64 4
Picea sp. cwd c + 1
Prunus avium cwd c + 1
Prunus spinosa cwd c + 1
Quercus sp. cwd c + 1
Salix sp. cwd c + 1
Sorbus aucuparia cwd c + 1
Triticum cf. dicoccon pro c 2 1

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