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ABCD: 1095

Lussa Wood I 77 Jura

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Lussa Wood I 77, Jura, 1981, Strathclyde, Scotland NR644874
Period: mesolithic/6500-7000 BC
Category: ?
Notes: charcoal for C14 8194+-350 Cal.BP, 7963+-200 Cal.BP
Topography: island coastal gravel terrace
Condition: dry
Report type: charcoal/wood

Moore R E. 1981. Charcoal determination. 30. In: Mercer J. Lussa Wood 1: the late glacial and early post-glacial occupation of Jura. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scotland. 110 (for 1979-80). 1-32. Scotland, Strathclyde

Processed by
REM - Moore, R E: Jodrell Lab. RBG Kew

Sample Period
1095a PH.ML

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007