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ABCD: 1145

Soutra 89 Lauder/Edinburgh

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Soutra 89, Lauder/Edinburgh, 1989, Borders, Scotland NT450595
Period: ?medieval
Category: monastic hospital
Notes: grain from the lowest fill at a depth of 1.4-1.5m
Topography: upland 1100ft
Condition: dry
Report type: cereal grain

Fairweather A D. 1989. A cache of charred cereal grain from the 'Prior's well' 8-9. In: Moffatt B (ed.). Sharp Practice 3. The third report on researches into the medieval hospital at Soutra. Edinburgh. Scotland, Borders

Processed by
ADF - Fairweather, A D: (1981)

Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1145a PR.MD.? - well fill nr ?medieval ? ?

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007