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ABCD: 1192

Polhill 64-7 Dunton Green, nr Sevenoaks

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Polhill 64-7, Dunton Green, nr Sevenoaks, 1973, Kent, England TQ550159
Period: Anglo-Saxon late 7th-early 8th c AD
Category: cemetry
Notes: wood traces from Saxon graves
Topography: chalk steepsided valley
Condition: dry
Report type: charcoal/wood

Anon (AML) 1973. Report on wood specimens from Saxon graves at Polhill. 202. In: Philp B. Site 24. The Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Polhill, Dunton Green. Excavations in West Kent 1960-1970. Kent Research Report Series 2. Kent Archaeol Rescue Unit. England, Kent

Processed by
AML - Ancient Monuments Lab (DOE/HBMCE/English Heritage)

Sample Period
1192a PR.SE.AS

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007