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ABCD: 1210

Knights Farm 3 74-8 Burghfield, nr Reading (subsite 3)

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Knights Farm 3 74-8, Burghfield, nr Reading (subsite 3), 1980, Berkshire, England SU678700
Period: Bronze Age
Category: settlement site feature
Notes: from features with much burnt material (9 25 L samples)
Topography: gravel river terrace
Condition: dry
Report type: individual identifications

Arthur J R B. 1980. Carbonised plants. 277. In: R Bradley, Lobb S, Richards J and Robinson M. Two late Bronze Age settlements on the Kennet Gravels: Excavations at Knight's Farm, Burghfield, Berkshire. Proc. Prehist. Soc. 46. 217-95. England, Berkshire

Arthur J R B. 1980. Charcoal. 277. In: R Bradley, Lobb S, Richards J and Robinson M. Two late Bronze Age settlements on the Kennet Gravels: Excavations at Knight's Farm, Burghfield, Berkshire. Proc. Prehist. Soc. 46. 217-95. England, Berkshire

Processed by
JRA - Arthur, J R B:

Sample: 1210a

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Acer sp. cwd c ZQ + 1
Atriplex patula pro c 2 1
Bilderdykia convolvulus pro c T 1 1
Corylus avellana cwd c ZQ + 1
Crataegus sp. cwd c ZQ + 1
Fraxinus excelsior cwd c ZQ + 1
Quercus sp. cwd c ZQ + 1
Salix sp. cwd c ZQ + 1
Silene alba pro c 1 1
Stellaria graminea pro c 1 1
Valerianella dentata pro c 1 1
Viola sp. pro c 1 1

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007