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ABCD: 1219

Hertford Civic Hall 67 Hertford, The Wash

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Hertford Civic Hall 67, Hertford, The Wash, 1977, Hertfordshire, England TL320120
Period: medieval
Category: castle defences
Notes: excavation was rescue in advance of pile driving
Topography: lowland
Condition: dry
Report type: macrofossil reports

Robinson M. 1977. The ecology. 166-7 and Appx B table III, 173-4. In: Petchey M R. Excavations in Hertford 1973-4. Hertfordshire Archaeol. 5. 157-75. England, Hertfordshire

Processed by
MR - Robinson, Mark: Oxford Univ

Sample: 1219a
Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
PR.MD.HM 11 & 13 ditch fill grey silt medieval 1200 1300

Context integrity: 3
Context preservation: wl
Dating method: pot
Dating validity: 1
Environmental interpretion: clear flowing water
Archaeological interpretion: -

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Aethusa cynapium pro w 1 1
Alisma sp. pro w 2 1
Anthemis cotula pro w 23 3
Apium nodiflorum pro w 3 1
Atriplex sp. pro w 4 1
Bidens tripartita pro w 1 1
Carduus/Cirsium sp. pro w 1 1
Carex sp. pro w 1 1
Chenopodium album pro w 6 2
Corylus avellana pro w 1 1
Eleocharis palustris/uniglumis pro w 2 1
Filipendula ulmaria pro w 2 1
Galeopsis tetrahit agg. pro w 2 1
Lamium sp. pro w 1 1
Lapsana communis pro w 16 3
Linum usitatissimum pro w 2 1
Lycopus europaeus pro w 1 1
Mentha sp. pro w 1 1
Oenanthe sp. pro w 24 3
Polygonum aviculare agg. pro w 2 1
Potamogeton sp. pro w 1 1
Prunella vulgaris pro w 1 1
Ranunculus cf. repens pro w 1 1
Ranunculus Subgenus Batrachium pro w 13 3
Rubus fruticosus agg. pro w 4 1
Rumex sp. pro w 3 1
Sambucus nigra pro w 5 2
Sonchus asper pro w 2 1
Sparganium sp. pro w 1 1
Stellaria media pro w 1 1
Urtica dioica pro w 5 2
Urtica urens pro w 1 1

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