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ABCD: 1226

Clarendon Park 61 nr Salisbury

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Clarendon Park 61, nr Salisbury, 1985, Wiltshire, England SU178327
Period: Bronze Age
Category: bell barrow
Notes: not excavated by the author
Topography: upper chalk, overlooking river valley
Condition: dry
Report type: charcoal/wood

Carruthers W J. 1985. Charcoal. 99. In: Fasham P J. 1985. A bell barrow at Clarendon Park. Wiltshire Archaeol. Nat. Hist. Mag. 79 (1985). 92-100. England, Wiltshire

Processed by
WJC - Carruthers, Wendy J: AML

Sample: 1226a

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Acer sp. cwd c + 1
Alnus sp. cwd c + 1
Fraxinus excelsior cwd c + 1
Pomoideae cwd c ! + 1
Prunus sp. cwd c + 1
Quercus sp. cwd c + 1
Salix/Populus sp. cwd c + 1
Ulmus sp. cwd c + 1

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007