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ABCD: 1246

Castle Acre 81-2 nr Swaffham

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Castle Acre 81-2, nr Swaffham, 1988, Norfolk, England TF821156
Period: pre & post conquest
Category: castle
Notes: old surface, makeup and lime kilns in the ditch
Topography: lowland
Condition: dry
Report type: macrofossil reports

Green F J. 1987. Plant remains. 303-6. In: Coad J G, Streeten A D and Warmington R. Excavations at Castle Acre, Norfolk, 1975-82, The Bridges, Lime Kilns and Eastern Gatehouse. Archaeol. J. 144. 256-307. England, Norfolk

Processed by
FJG - Green, Francis J: Test Valley Archaeol. Trust

Sample: 1246a
Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
PR.SE.AS phase 1 dd ditch fill nr medieval 1000 1100

Context integrity: 1
Context preservation: bu
Dating method: arte
Dating validity: 3
Environmental interpretion: min. material may suggest cess
Archaeological interpretion: -

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Avena sativa lmb c Q + 1
Avena sativa pro c 46 3
Brassica/Sinapis sp. pro m 70 3
Caryophyllaceae pro c 4 1
Cerealia pro c Q + 1
cf. Juglans regia pro c 1 1
Compositae pro c 3 1
Corylus avellana pro c 2 1
Hordeum vulgare pro c 4 1
Lithospermum arvense pro m 39 3
Pisum sativum pro c 19 2
Polygonum sp. pro c 2 1
Rumex sp. pro c 1 1
Secale cereale pro c 42 3
Secale cereale rch c 2 1
Triticum aestivo-compactum pro c T 129 4
Triticum aestivo-compactum rch c T 2 1
Vicia sp. pro c 2 1

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007