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ABCD: 1319

Morton Fife 63-7 nr St Andrews

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Morton Fife 63-7, nr St Andrews, 1971, Fife, Scotland NO467257
Period: Mesolithic
Category: settlement/midden
Notes: hazel nut from site A, a few seeds from flotation m/c site B
Topography: coastal rock outcrop
Condition: dry
Report type: individual identifications

Hibbert F A, Bell F, Wilson G and Pettit M. 1971. Identifications of wood, nutshells and seeds. In: Coles J M. The early settlement of Scotland, Excavations at Morton, Fife. Proc. Prehist. Soc. 37(2). 284-366. Scotland, Fife

Processed by
DGW - Wilson, Dr D Gay: Botany School, Cambridge

FAH - Hibbert, F A: Liverpool Poly

FB - Bell, F: Botany School, Cambridge/Dept Geol, B'ham/RBG Kew (1971)

MP - Pettit, Mary: (1971) Botany School, Cambridge

Sample Period
1319a PH.ML
1319b PH.ML

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007