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ABCD: 1368

Hulton Abbey 72-83 Stoke-on-Trent

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Hulton Abbey 72-83, Stoke-on-Trent, 1985, Staffordshire, England SJ915485
Period: medieval 13th-16th
Category: monastic
Notes: plant remains wrapped around burials, skeleton HA6
Topography: lowland streamside
Condition: dry
Report type: individual identifications

Dickson C A. 1985. The plant wrapping of burial HA6 at Hulton Abbey. 4 (and Appendix 2a, 79). In: Wise P J (ed.). Hulton Abbey: A century of excavation. Staffordshire Archaeol. Studies. England, Staffordshire

Processed by
CAD - Dickson, Camilla: Glasgow Univ (nee Lambert)

Sample: 1368a

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Anthriscus sylvestris pro a ! 14 3
Carex otrubae pro a 5 2
Carex sp. pro a P 3 1
Eleocharis palustris pro a ! 20 3
Fabaceae fls a 6 2
Gramineae pro a 1 1
Juncus articulatus pro a ! 20 3
Juncus bufonius pro a ! 20 3
Juncus inflexus pro a 3 1
Leontodon cf. autumnalis pro a 1 1
Luzula sp. pro a 2 1
Plantago lanceolata pro a ! 1 1
Polygonum minus pro a 1 1
Prunella vulgaris pro a 4 1
Ranunculus acris pro a 9 2
Ranunculus flammula pro a 2 1
Ranunculus repens pro a ! 13 3
Ranunculus sardous pro a 8 2
Rhinanthus sp. pro a !1 3 1
Rumex cf. crispus pro a 20 3
Salix sp. pro a 20 3
Sonchus asper pro a 1 1
Taraxacum sp. pro a 1 1
Trifolium cf. pratense pro a 12 3

Sample: 1368b

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Caryophyllaceae pol a Q% 1 1
Centaurea cyanus pol a Q% 1 1
Centaurea nigra pol a Q% 1 1
Cerealia pol a Q% 3 1
Compositae pol a Q% 15 3
Fabaceae pol a Q% 1 1
Gramineae pol a Q% 59 4
Juncaceae pol a Q% 1 1
Pinus sp. pol a Q% + 1
Plantago lanceolata pol a Q% 2 1
Ranunculaceae pol a Q% 2 1
Rumex sp. pol a Q% 3 1
Tilia cordata pol a Q% + 1
Trifolium cf. pratense pol a Q% 2 1
Umbelliferae pol a Q% 10 3

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007