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ABCD: 1371

Rudston Villa nr Bridlington

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Rudston Villa, nr Bridlington, 1980, Humberside, England TA090670
Period: Roman
Category: villa
Notes: -
Topography: lowland
Condition: dry
Report type: macrofossil reports

Stead I M. 1980. Rudston Roman Villa. Yorkshire Archaeol. Soc. (Leeds) England, Humberside

Greig J R A. 1980. Seeds from the well. 169-71. In: Stead I M. 1980. Rudston Roman Villa. Yorkshire Archaeol. Soc. (Leeds) England, Humberside

Processed by
JRG - Greig, James R: Birmingham Univ, Dept Plant Sciences

Sample: 1371a
Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
RO (10) well fill ? Roman ? ?

Context integrity: ?
Context preservation: wl
Dating method: ?
Dating validity: ?
Environmental interpretion: -
Archaeological interpretion: -

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Aethusa cynapium pro w 3 2
Anthemis cotula pro w 5 3
Arctium cf. lappa pro w 2 1
Atriplex sp. pro w 12 3
Bilderdykia convolvulus pro w T 2 1
Brassica cf. napus pro w 8 3
Carduus sp. pro w 9 3
Carex sp. pro w 30 4
cf. Rhinanthus minor agg. pro w 1 1
cf. Viola sp. pro w 7 3
Chenopodium cf. album pro w 2 1
Cirsium cf. arvense pro w 10 3
Conium maculatum pro w 58 4
Coronopus squamatus pro w 1 1
Eleocharis sp. pro w 15 3
Fumaria officinalis pro w 21 3
Galeopsis sp. pro w 2 1
Hordeum vulgare pro c 1 1
Hyoscyamus niger pro w 7 3
Leontodon taraxacoides pro w 8 3
Menyanthes trifoliata pro w 1 1
Montia fontana pro w 10 3
Papaver argemone pro w 4 2
Papaver somniferum pro w 30 4
Polygonum aviculare agg. pro w 21 3
Potentilla argentea pro w 17 3
Prunella vulgaris pro w 11 3
Ranunculus flammula/reptans pro w 4 2
Ranunculus Section Ranunculus pro w T 8 3
Rumex sp. pro w 8 3
Sanguisorba minor pro w T 4 2
Scabiosa columbaria pro w 6 3
Sonchus asper pro w 15 3
Stellaria media pro w 41 4
Torilis japonica pro w 2 1
Urtica dioica pro w 401 5
Urtica urens pro w 14 3

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