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ABCD: 1418

Melbourne St 71-6 Southampton, Hamwih

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Melbourne St 71-6, Southampton, Hamwih, 1980, Hampshire, England SU428115
Period: Saxon
Category: urban
Notes: complicated series of pits lots recutting
Topography: lowland valley brickearths
Condition: dry
Report type: macrofossil reports

Monk M A. 1980. The seed remains 128-33. In: Holdsworth P. et al. Excavations at Melbourne Street, 1971-76. CBA Research Report 33. Southampton Archaeol. research Committee Report 1. England, Hampshire

Processed by
MAM - Monk, Mick A: Dept Archaeology, Cork

Sample: 1418a
Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
PR.SE.MS.AS SARC IVF15 pit fill woody substance Saxon 700 900

Context integrity: 2
Context preservation: wl
Dating method: art
Dating validity: 3
Environmental interpretion: inadequate conventional recovery methods
Archaeological interpretion: possibly a construction pit for a well

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Bupleurum cf. tenuissimum pro w 1 1
Carex sp. pro w P 1 1
Chenopodium cf. album pro w 1 1
Gramineae pro w 1 1
Juncus sp. pro w P 15 3
Labiatae pro w A 1 1
Rumex sp. pro w 1 1
Sambucus nigra pro w 6 3
Thalictrum cf. flavum pro w 1 1
Urtica dioica pro w 3 2

Sample: 1418b
Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
PR.SE.MS.AS SARCVF16 pit fill nr Saxon 750 870

Context integrity: 3
Context preservation: wl
Dating method: C14
Dating validity: 3
Environmental interpretion: some mineralised material
Archaeological interpretion: cess & rubbish & lots of animal bone, pit with 4 stakeholes

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Avena sp. pro c 2 1
Ballota nigra pro w 1 1
Brassica/Sinapis sp. pro w 2 1
Cerealia pro c 9 1
Chenopodium cf. album pro w 10 2
Corylus avellana pro w 1 1
Crataegus monogyna pro w 1 1
Hordeum cf. vulgare pro c 1 1
Hordeum sp. pro c 10 2
Prunus cf. avium pro w 1 1
Prunus domestica ssp. insititia pro w 8 1
Prunus sp. pro w ! 2 1
Prunus spinosa pro w 3 1
Pyrus/Malus sp. pro w ! 6 1
Rubus cf. idaeus pro w 14 2
Rubus fruticosus agg. pro w 87 3
Rubus sp. pro w 1 1
Rumex sp. pro w 1 1
Sambucus nigra pro w 16 2
Sambucus sp. pro w 2 1
Triticum cf. aestivo-compactum pro c 26 3
Triticum cf. spelta pro c 2 1
Triticum sp. pro c 5 1

Sample: 1418c
Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
PR.SE.MS.AS SARCVIF30 pit fill nr Saxon 700 900

Context integrity: 2
Context preservation: wl
Dating method: art
Dating validity: 3
Environmental interpretion: -
Archaeological interpretion: cutting & cut by other pits

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Anthemis cotula pro w 1 1
Arenaria serpyllifolia pro w 2 1
Atriplex sp. pro w 21 3
Bilderdykia convolvulus pro w 1 1
Bromus sp. pro w 1 1
Carex sp. pro w P 2 1
Caryophyllaceae pro w 2 1
Chenopodiaceae pro w 2 1
Chenopodium cf. album pro w 102 4
Chenopodium ficifolium pro w 2 1
Cochlearia officinalis pro w 1 1
Drosera cf. rotundifolia pro w 3 1
Galeopsis tetrahit agg. pro w 1 1
Hordeum cf. vulgare pro c 1 1
Hypericum perforatum pro w 2 1
Hypericum sp. pro w 4 1
Juncus sp. pro w P 136 4
Labiatae pro w 1 1
Lycopus europaeus pro w 1 1
Papaver cf. argemone pro w 2 1
Papaver cf. rhoeas pro w 104 4
Polygonum aviculare agg. pro w 1 1
Polygonum persicaria pro w 13 3
Polygonum sp. pro w 5 2
Potentilla sp. pro w 2 1
Ranunculus cf. repens pro w 1 1
Rubus cf. fruticosus agg. pro w 1 1
Rumex cf. acetosa pro w 1 1
Rumex cf. acetosella pro w 10 3
Rumex cf. crispus pro w 1 1
Rumex cf. obtusifolius pro w 1 1
Sambucus nigra pro w 1 1
Silene sp. pro w 1 1
Triticum sp. pro c 1 1
Typha cf. angustifolia pro w 1 1
Urtica dioica pro w 53 4

Sample: 1418d
Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
PR.SE.MS.AS SARCVIF39 pit fill heavy black clay wit Saxon 700 900

Context integrity: 2
Context preservation: wl
Dating method: art
Dating validity: 3
Environmental interpretion: -
Archaeological interpretion: cutting & cut by other pits

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Bilderdykia convolvulus pro w 1 1
Brassica/Sinapis sp. pro w 4 1
Carex sp. pro w 2 1
Cerealia pro c 1 1
cf. Lemna trisulca pro w 111 4
Chenopodium cf. album pro w 36 3
Chenopodium sp. pro w 4 1
Conium maculatum pro w 1 1
Cruciferae pro w 1 1
Drosera cf. rotundifolia pro w 1 1
Gramineae pro w 21 3
Hordeum sp. pro c 2 1
Juncus sp. pro w P 1667 5
Malva sp. pro w 1 1
Papaver cf. rhoeas pro w 23 3
Polygonum cf. aviculare agg. pro w 2 1
Polygonum sp. pro w 2 1
Typha cf. angustifolia pro w 2 1
Urtica dioica pro w 3 1
Verbena officinalis pro w 1 1
Aethusa cynapium pro w 1 1
Alisma cf. plantago-aquatica pro w 1 1
Anthemis cotula pro w 4 1
Atriplex cf. hastata pro w 12 3

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