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ABCD: 1419

Poundbury 66-82 Dorchester

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Poundbury 66-82, Dorchester, 1987, Dorset, England SY685911
Period: neolithic-post-roman
Category: defended settlement
Notes: mainly the 1976 excav. season, excavations outside the camp
Topography: lowland chalk down
Condition: dry
Report type: macrofossil reports

Monk M A. 1987. Archaeobotanical studies at Poundbury. 132-7 and fiches 5 and 6. In: Green C J (et al.). Excavations at Poundbury, Dorset 1966-82. Vol. 1: The settlements. Dorset Nat. Hist. Archaeol. Soc. Monograph 7. England, Dorset

Processed by
MAM - Monk, Mick A: Dept Archaeology, Cork

Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1419a PH.NE:BA com pit, post hole & ditch fi nr late Neolithic/Bronze Age ? ?
1419b PH.IA com pit and ditch fills & occ nr Iron Age ? ?
1419c RO com pit & ditch fills nr Roman ? ?
1419d PR.SE.ES com feature fills nr post roman 350 650
1419e PR.SE.ES com grain drier fills nr post Roman 300 625

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007