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ABCD: 1447

Pottergate 73 Norwich, 149N

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Pottergate 73, Norwich, 149N, 1985, Norfolk, England TG227087
Period: 14-15th, c.1450
Category: urban settlement
Notes: plant recovery by Andrew Jones
Topography: glacial sand and gravel overlying chalk,
Condition: dry
Report type: macrofossil reports

Murphy P. 1985. VII. Environmental reports; charcoal. 66-8. In: Evans D H and Carter A. Excavations on 31-51 Pottergate (Site 149N). Excavations in Norwich 1971-78. Part II East Anglian Archaeol. 26. Norwich Survey. England, Norfolk

Murphy P. 1985. VII. Environmental reports; plant macrofossils (excluding charcoal). 68. In: Evans D H and Carter A. Excavations on 31-51 Pottergate (Site 149N). Excavations in Norwich 1971-78. Part II East Anglian Archaeol. 26. Norwich Survey. England, Norfolk

Processed by
PM - Murphy, Peter L: Centre for East Anglian Studies, UEA, Norwich

Sample: 1447a
Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
PR.MD.? (4) pit fills nr medieval 1200 1500

Context integrity: 2
Context preservation: bu
Dating method: ?
Dating validity: ?
Environmental interpretion: accidental carb. during food preparation, consumer deposits
Archaeological interpretion: -

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Avena sp. pro c 7 1
Bilderdykia convolvulus pro c 1 1
Brassica sp. pro c 5 1
Carex sp. pro c 1 1
Cerealia pro c 111 4
cf. Pisum sp. pro c !1 6 1
Chelidonium majus pro c ! 1 1
Galium aparine pro c 1 1
Gramineae pro c 9 1
Hordeum sp. pro c 118 4
Menyanthes trifoliata pro c 1 1
Sambucus nigra pro c 130 4
Secale cereale pro c 4 1
Triticum aestivum sl pro c 10 2
Vicia sp. pro c 2 1
Vitis vinifera pro c 1 1

Sample: 1447b
Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
PR.MD.LM 1042 pit fill nr late medieval 1400 1500

Context integrity: 3
Context preservation: bu
Dating method: arte
Dating validity: 2
Environmental interpretion: consumer type deposits
Archaeological interpretion: cess pit

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Avena sp. pro c 1 1
Cerealia pro c 31 3
Convolvulus arvensis pro c 1 1
Ficus carica pro c 254 4
Gramineae pro c 7 1
Hordeum sp. pro c 43 3
Humulus lupulus pro c 1 1
Labiatae pro c 1 1
Malus sylvestris pro c 2 1
Pisum type pro c 2 1
Prunus sp. pro c 5 1
Prunus spinosa pro c 1 1
Quercus sp. pro c 1 1
Rubus cf. idaeus pro c 8 1
Rubus fruticosus agg. pro c 40 3
Sambucus nigra pro c 1 1
Triticum aestivum sl pro c 2 1
Vitis vinifera pro c 48 3

Sample: 1447c
Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
PR.PM.16:17 523-1058 ( fire deposit/pit fills nr post medieval 1500 1700

Context integrity: 2
Context preservation: bu
Dating method: arte
Dating validity: 2
Environmental interpretion: incl. plant rems derived from fire deposits
Archaeological interpretion: fire deposit and post-dating the fire

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Atriplex hastata/patula pro c 385 4
Avena sp. pro c 7 1
Bilderdykia convolvulus pro c 8 1
Brassica sp. pro c 8 1
Bromus horeaceus ssp. hordeaceus/secalinus pro c 1 1
Bromus sterilis pro c 4 1
Calluna vulgaris sht c 1 1
Cerealia pro c 164 4
cf. Lolium temulentum pro c ! 1 1
cf. Pisum sp. pro c !1 4 1
Chenopodiaceae pro c 14 2
Convolvulus sp. pro c 1 1
Ficus carica pro c 11 2
Galium aparine pro c 11 2
Gramineae pro c 14 2
Hordeum sp. pro c 112 4
Lapsana communis pro c 1 1
Lithospermum officinale pro c 37 3
Malus sylvestris pro c 1 1
Pisum sativum var arvense pro c 2 1
Polygonaceae pro c 7 1
Polygonum aviculare agg. pro c 35 3
Polygonum persicaria pro c 1 1
Rubus fruticosus agg. pro c 26 3
Rumex sp. pro c 27 3
Sambucus nigra pro c 57 3
Secale cereale pro c 14 2
Triticum aestivum sl pro c 44 3
Umbelliferae pro c 1 1

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