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ABCD: 1473

Chanctonbury Hill 58-9 Wiston, nr Worthing

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Chanctonbury Hill 58-9, Wiston, nr Worthing, 1968, Sussex (E & W), England TQ128120
Period: Early Bronze Age
Category: Barrow (bowl barrow)
Notes: old surface beneath barrow, central post (oak) and ditch
Topography: upper chalk 660ft OD
Condition: **
Report type: charcoal/wood

Anon [Royal Botanic Gardens Kew]. 1968. Charcoal. 46. In: Ratcliffe-Densham H B A. A woman of Wessex Culture. [Chanctonbury Hill] Sussex Archaeol. Coll. 106. 40-48. England, Sussex (E & W)

Processed by
RBG - Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew

Sample Period
1473a PH.BA.EB

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007