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ABCD: 1549

Staines 61-3 Staines

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Staines 61-3, Staines, 1987, Greater London, England TQ024762
Period: Neolithic
Category: causewayed enclosure
Notes: charcoal from enclosure ditches & interior. Probably Neolithic
Topography: lower Thames valley
Condition: **
Report type: charcoal/wood

Cutler D and Gale R. 1987. Charcoal identifications. Fiche 71-2. In: Robertson-Mackay R. The neolithic causewayed enclosure at Staines, Surrey: Excavations 1961-63. Proc. Prehist. Soc. 53. 23-128. England, Greater London

Processed by
DFC - Cutler, D F: RBG Kew

RG - Gale, Rowena: RBG Kew

Sample Period
1549a PH.NE
1549b PH.NE

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007