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ABCD: 1612

Llangar nr Corwen

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Llangar, nr Corwen, 1980, Clwyd, Wales SH0743
Period: post-medieval (?mostly mid C17-mid C19)
Category: church/burials
Notes: coffin wood and plant remains associated with burials
Topography: beside R Dee
Condition: dry
Report type: charcoal/wood

Hood J S R. 1980. Coffin wood. 93-5. and Biological remains. 95. In: Shoesmith R. 1980. Llangar Church. Archaeol. Cambrensis. 129. 64-132. Wales, Clwyd

Processed by
JSH - Hood, J S R: EAU, York Univ

Sample: 1612a
Period Context Type Period
PR.PM 8 coffins grave fills post-medieval

Context integrity: 3
Context preservation: wl
Dating method: art
Dating validity: 3
Archaeological interpretion: coffin wood

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
cf. Betula sp. brk c p 1
Fagus sylvatica wwd c p 1
Fraxinus excelsior wwd c p 1
Quercus sp. wwd c p 1

Sample: 1612b
Period Context Type Period
PR.PM graves 6,27,44 grave fills post-medieval

Context integrity: 3
Context preservation: nr
Dating method: art
Dating validity: 2
Archaeological interpretion: remains associated with burials

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Buxus sempervirens bds w p 1
Buxus sempervirens lvs w p 1
Buxus sempervirens twi w p 1
Prunus spinosa pro w 35 1
Viola sp. cap w 1 1
Viola sp. pro w 24

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007