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ABCD: 1673

James St Drogheda Drogheda

Site code:

Site details:
Location: James St Drogheda, Drogheda, 1985, Louth, Ireland, Eire 180400
Period: 13th-16th cAD
Category: urban occupation
Notes: excavs. for street widening through urban rubbish
Topography: ?
Condition: dry
Report type: macrofossil reports

Mitchell G F and Dickson C A. 1985. Plant remains and other items from Medieval Drogheda. Circaea. 3:1. 31-7. [James St] Ireland, Eire, Louth

Processed by
CAD - Dickson, Camilla: Glasgow Univ (nee Lambert)

GFM - Mitchell, G F: Dept Quaternary Studies, Trinity Coll. Dublin

KC - Campbell, K: (1985)

Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1673a PR.MD.HM ? occupation deposits nr medieval 1200 1400
1673b PR.PM.16 - occupation deposits ? post-medieval 1500 1600

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007