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ABCD: 1685

Robin Hoods Ball Shrewton, Salisbury/Devizes

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Robin Hoods Ball, Shrewton, Salisbury/Devizes, 1989, Wiltshire, England SU103461
Period: early Neolithic
Category: pits
Notes: ?
Topography: chalk
Condition: dry
Report type: macrofossil reports

Moffett L, Robinson M A and Straker S. 1989. Cereals, fruit and nuts: charred plant remains from Neolithic sites in England and Wales and the Neolithic economy. In: BAR IS 496. Oxford. England, Wiltshire

Processed by
WJC - Carruthers, Wendy J: AML

Sample Period
1685a PH.NE

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007