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ABCD: 1700

Waltham Abbey 79 Waltham Abbey (46 Sun St)

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Waltham Abbey 79, Waltham Abbey (46 Sun St), 1987, Essex, England TL383005
Period: late 16th c/post 1540
Category: ?
Notes: excav. in back garden 'vegetation layer with 61 pot sherds'
Topography: ?
Condition: dry
Report type: macrofossil reports

Moffat B. 1987. A curious assemblage of seeds from Waltham Abbey: a study of medieval medication. Essex Archaeol. and Hist. 18. 121-4. England, Essex

Processed by
FJG - Green, Francis J: Test Valley Archaeol. Trust

Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1700a PR.PM.16 - pit fill vegetation layer post-medieval 1540 1600

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007