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ABCD: 1705

St Nicholas Church Gloucester

Site code:

Site details:
Location: St Nicholas Church, Gloucester, 1985, Gloucestershire, England SO8318
Period: medieval
Category: deposit
Notes: organic matter from watching brief
Topography: ?
Condition: dry
Report type: macrofossil reports

Straker V and Heighway C. 1985. Organic matter from medieval deposits outside St Nicholas Church, Gloucester. Trans. Bristol Gloucestershire Archaeol. Soc. England, Gloucestershire

Processed by
VS - Straker, Vanessa: DUA London/Bristol Univ

Sample: 1705a
Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
PR.MD 16 & 19 street layer organic medieval 1000 1300

Context integrity: 1
Context preservation: wl
Dating method: pot
Dating validity: 1
Environmental interpretion: stable sweepings or animal dung
Archaeological interpretion: between layers of street metalling

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Achillea millefolium pro w 3 1
Anthemis cotula pro w 161 4
Aphanes cf. microcarpa pro w 1 1
Atriplex sp. pro w 3 1
Atriplex/Chenopodium sp. pro w 2 1
Caltha palustris pro w 1 1
Carduus sp. pro w 16 3
Carex sp. pro w 3 1
Caryophyllaceae fgt w 2 1
Centaurea sp. pro w 2 1
Cerastium sp. pro w 1 1
Cerealia clm w 2 1
cf. Chrysanthemum segetum pro w 1 1
cf. Oenanthe sp. pro w 1 1
cf. Torilis sp. pro w 1 1
cf. Triticum sp. rch w 36 3
Chenopodium sp. pro w 20 3
Chrysanthemum segetum pro w 6 2
Cyperaceae pro w 3 1
Eleocharis Section Palustres pro w 144 4
Euphrasia/Odontites sp. pro w 7 2
Fragaria vesca pro w 1 1
Gramineae pro c 1 1
Gramineae pro w 66 4
Hordeum sp. rai w 3 1
Hyoscyamus niger pro w 1 1
indet. pro w 20 3
Juncus sp. pro w P 88 4
Lapsana communis pro w 8 2
Leontodon sp. pro w 13 3
Lychnis flos-cuculi pro w 1 1
Plantago major pro w 3 1
Polygonum aviculare agg. pro w 9 2
Polygonum sp. pro w 6 2
Prunella vulgaris pro w 4 1
Ranunculus acris/bulbosus/repens pro w 17 3
Ranunculus flammula pro w 3 1
Rubus sp. pro w 1 1
Rumex acetosella pro w 3 1
Rumex sp. per w 7 2
Rumex sp. pro w 9 2
Sambucus nigra pro w 1 1
Solanum nigrum pro w 3 1
Sonchus asper pro w 6 2
Stellaria media agg. pro w 4 1
Torilis sp. pro w 1 1
Umbelliferae pro w 1 1
Urtica dioica pro w 4 1
Urtica urens pro w 11 3
Valerianella rimosa pro w 2 1

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