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ABCD: 1784

Caldicote 65-6 Newport/Chepstow

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Caldicote 65-6, Newport/Chepstow, 1991, Gwent, Wales ST4787
Period: romano-British late 3rd - early 4th AD
Category: pottery kilns
Notes: 5 groups of samples from flue and stoke hole of kiln
Topography: ?
Condition: dry
Report type: charcoal/wood

Seddon B. 1991. Charcoal. 144. In: Barnett C. Stanley P, Trett R and Webster P V. Romano-British pottery kilns at Caldicote, Gwent. Archaeol. J. 147 (for 1990). 118-47. Wales, Gwent

Processed by
BS - Seddon, Dr B: Botany Dept National Museum of Wales (1972)

Sample Period
1784a PH.RB

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007