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ABCD: cf. Malus sp.

cf. Malus sp.



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Site no Site Location Date Period
1302 Tibbets Close 83-4 Alcester, Warwickshire, England 1989 Iron Age/Roman/medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1302c RO.MR VI-VII com hearth and pit fills nr Roman 200 250
1483 Maynards Gate 75-6 Crowborough, Sussex (E & W), England 1977 late 16th to early 17th c
Sample Period
1483a PR.PM.16:17
1347 Billingsgate 74 Lower Thames St., City of London, Greater London, England 1980 Roman to post medieval
Sample Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
1347a RO.ER Period II layer grey sand and gravel Roman 000 100
1413 Cassington 50-2 nr Oxford, Oxfordshire, England 1982 Neolithic/Iron Age Romano-British
Sample Period
1688 The Stumble Blackwater Estuary, Essex, England 1989 early 3rd millenium BC
Sample Period
1688a PH.NE

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007