2.13. Camulodunum 189 ('carrot') amphoras

[IMG Drawing] [IMG British distribution]
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[IMG Western Empire distribution] [IMG Date bar]
Small conical amphora with horizontal rilling covering the outer surface (hence `carrot'); two small loop handles just below the rim. On many examples the rilling is angular and formed with a square cut tool.
Fabric and technology
Hard, red-brown or brick-red (Munsell 2.5YR 6/8 or 10YR 4/6) sandy fabric, sometimes with a grey core; some vessels are finer-textured and may have a thin pale yellow slip. Augst TG 68 Analysis of sand temper suggests source in a desert region (Shackley 1975, 57-9).
Augustan at Oberaden, but post-conquest in Britain, up to c. AD 100.
A dipinto from Carlisle, apparently on a vessel of this form, reads


in Greek letters, an abbreviated reference to κουκια the fruit of the doum palm (Hyphaene thebaica). Other varieties of dried fruits, such as dates, may also have been carried.
The south-east Mediterranean, perhaps Egypt.
Despite probable eastern origin, the majority of published examples are from the western Empire, particularly from Rhineland and Britain, and often on military sites. Also recorded from the Rhône valley, Italy and Algeria.
Augst class 44. Peacock and Williams class 12 (Carrot, Schöne-Mau XV).
(Reusch 1970; Sealey 1985, 87-90. On contents and origin: Tomlin 1992.
A related form, the Kingsholm 117 ( ) has a similar fabric to C189, but larger body diameter; probably indistinguishable in small sherds. This type has been identified on a few sites in Britain and there are examples from two wrecks on the Provence coast (Parker 1992, nos. 374, 1174). One of these contained dates. Martin-Kilcher describes several further minor forms of rilled amphora in the same ware (Augst forms 46-7).


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Last updated: Wed Oct 9 1996