Long tapering body, terminated in a solid spike; cylindrical neck with
small beaded rim and single rod handles, of circular cross-section
which rise to a distinctive peak.
Fine reddish pink
(Munsell 5YR 7/6)
with thin pale slip; sparse inclusions of medium red-brown particles
and larger angular fragments of white limestone.
Augst TG 48-9
(Munsell 10YR 8/4)
with large limestone inclusions, but usually with soft, pitted surface
where these have flaked.
Augst TG 50
The other wares are generally light or red coloured, but vary in their
Principally 25-26l, but some half-size vessels, including the
Camulodunum 184
type specimen with a capacity of 13.6l.
The form was produced from the Republican period until the 2nd
century AD. Some Augustan-Tiberian specimens from Gaul and the
Rhineland, but imported into Britain from the Claudio-Neronian period.
Importation continues until the mid-2nd century. Perhaps particularly
common on military sites (on the significance of which see Sealey 1985, 133-5).
Several sources, including the island of Rhodes (fabric 1), the
Cnidian peninsula (fabric 2?). Others probably from the Aegean
region and Crete.
Principally wine; also figs and honey.
Wide distribution in eastern and western
Mediterranean, along the
Rhine and Britain.
A related form, the Dressel 43, is smaller and thinner walled than the
Camulodunum 184,
has a bulging rather than cylindrical neck, and a collared rim. This
has been recorded in small numbers from Britain (Sealey 1985, 51; Martin-Kilcher 1994, 350).
Martin-Kilcher 1994
Martin-Kilcher, S., Die römischen Amphoren aus Augst und Kaiseraugst. Ein Beitrag zur römischen Handels- und Kulturgeschichte. 2, Die Amphoren für Wein, Fischsauce, Südfrüchte (Gruppen 2-24) und Gesamtauswertung, Forschungen in Augst, 7, Römermuseum, Augst, 1994.
Peacock 1977
Peacock, D. P. S., Roman amphorae: typology, fabric and origin, in Méthodes classiques et méthodes formelles dans l'etude des amphores, G. Vallet ed., Collection de l'École Française de Rome, 32, 261-78, École Française de Rome, Rome, 1977.
Sealey 1985
Sealey, P. R., Amphoras from the 1970 excavations at Colchester Sheepen, British archaeological reports. British series, 142, BAR, Oxford, 1985.