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Site name | Whitehawk |
Site number | 108 |
Burial codes | 5005 5009 5021 5023 5025 5028 5030 5035 5036 5037 5042 5047 5051 5065 5072 5074 5084 5092 5097 5101 5102 5105 5106 5107 5108 5109 5110 5125 5127 5128 5130 5143 5151 5153 5171 5181 5200 |
3500bc - 2500bc | Causewayed enclosure, the ditches silted with chalk rubble, and a 'central filling of black mould' which contained charcoal and vegetable debris - virtually all finds being contained within this filling. In or below this were 9 fragments of human skeletal material, 2 of a child. In the earlier Ditch III was a dark band of possibly domestic refuse yielding most finds of pottery and other matter. In Ditch III/Cutting II was a female skeleton c25-30 semi-prone on left side, head oriented NW, legs flexed, deposited in the open ditch and not buried in a sunk grave, a fossil echinocorys scutatus in association. There was a second female skeleton head oriented S, age c20-25 buried in a definite grave of elongated oval shape oriented S, and surrounded by 10 large chalk blocks and a few small ones, soil covering the body to the level of the top of the blocks, and then a charcoal layer spread over. The body was semi-prone on its right side, lightly flexed. There had been some bone disarrangement probably by animals. There was also an infant skeleton, possibly a foetus in utero. The burial was accompanied by perforated chalk, 2 fossils and part of an ox radius. Most of the Neolithic pottery was over this burial. In Ditch III/Cutting IV was a hearth and associated charred skull fragments of at least two individuals, and Windmill Hill pottery. All Cuttings in Ditch III except VIII produced skull fragments representing at least 5 individuals (three young adults and two children c6 and 11-12). The pottery showed some hybridity with Peterborough ware. Between the line of the inner ditch and the edge of the second ditch was the burial of a middle aged male, contracted, head to E, face and limbs to N, in association with three Neolithic sherds and a considerable number of land molluscs, and 2-3 mussel shells near the head. It was lying on the surface of the undisturbed chalk. Hole 51 was on the southern edge of the causeway of Ditch III, cut 1.3m deep into the natural chalk, and 0.85m in diameter. It was accompanied by a small post hole situated on a ledge on its south side. Hole 51 contained the skeleton of a child c7, head to S, face and limbs to E, curled up 0.85m above the bottom of the hole which had a fine grey chalky filling. There was associated with it 3-4 sherds of Neolithic pottery, and c6-8cm above the burial was a piece of chalk bearing incised lines. It was uncertain whether this was a grave per se, or a deposit in the hole for a tall post set at the causeway entrance. RC: I-ll 846 2750 +/- 130, I-ll 847 2695 +/- 95 |
Remains/Period | Y5 |
County | Sussex |
Region | SE |
National grid square | TQ |
X coordinate | 331 |
Y coordinate | 48 |
Bibliographic source | Williamson 1930, Curwen 1931b, 1934a, 1936, 1954, Kinnes 1979 |
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Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004