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Site name | Maiden Bower Causewayed Enclosure |
Site number | 127 |
Burial codes | 5002 5005 5021 5023 5025 5028 5030 5035 5036 5042 5048 5051 5065 5075 5084 5092 5104 5111 5127 5143 5151 5181 |
3500bc - 2500bc | A causewayed enclosure. A chain of 5 sections cut in quarrying was observed by Smith in 1898. The second contained broken human skeletal material. Pits contained bones 'split for marrow', flakes, polished stones, and 'rude British pottery' (of Abingdon ware). Not a stratigraphical excavation, but the site finds resembled other causewayed enclosures. |
Remains/Period | Y5 |
County | Bedfordshire |
Region | SE |
National grid square | SP |
X coordinate | 996 |
Y coordinate | 225 |
Bibliographic source | Smith 1915, 1931, Kinnes 1979 |
© Internet Archaeology/Author(s)
Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004