Attitudes to Disposal of the Dead - Gazetteer Query Form

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Site name Mill Hill B, Deal
Site number 1274
Burial codes 1005 1009 1021 1023 1025 1028 1030 1035 1041 1048 1051 1065 1075 1084 1091 1098 1104 1111 1121 1123 1129 1143 1153 1161 1181
100bc-AD43 A probable cremation cemetery represented by grave groups and unaccompanied objects found between 1885-1915.

Burial 1 was a cremation burial associated with a pedestal urn, a necked jar, three bowls, a platter and two bronze Colchester brooches.

Burial 2 was a cremation in a small, square, chalk cut grave and associated with two bowls, a butt beaker, a fragmentary handled jar, a bronze Colchester brooch and a bronze toilet set.

Other material probably from cremation graves includes a tazza and 6 Aylesford-type brooches.
Remains/Period Y1
County Kent
Region SE
National grid square TR
X coordinate 362
Y coordinate 508
Bibliographic source Bushe-Fox 1925, Birchall 1965, Ogilvie and Dunning 1967, Stead 1976, Whimster 1981


© Internet Archaeology/Author(s)
Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004