Attitudes to Disposal of the Dead - Gazetteer Query Form

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Site name Rye Close Field, Lodge Farm, Bledlow
Site number 1386
Burial codes 1005 1009 1022 1023 1025 1028 1030 1035 1043 1047 1051 1065 1072 1074 1084 1093 1098 1103 1106 1108 1109 1110 1111 1121 1123 1125 1128 1129 1143 1153 1161 1181
100bc-AD43 A cemetery containing both inhumations and cremations, the area of the burials excavated being surrounded by a ditch. The cemetery area probably extended beyond that excavated. The cremations are interpreted from the associated Belgic pottery as belonging to the period between the final years of the 1st Century BC and shortly after the Claudian invasion of AD43. The inhumations are harder to date except for No 2 (the sole inhumation accompanied by grave goods) which was very disturbed, may be intrusive and from the associated comb was late Romano-British. The excavators assigned the rest of the inhumations to the period 1st/2nd Century AD with a comment that it was possible that some took place as a parallel contemporary alternative rite to cremation.

The ditch may have been associated with the later phase as the only dating evidence it provided was a 2nd Century AD sherd from its secondary fill.

1 The extended inhumation of an adult male c25-35, head to W, the grave c0.3m deep.

2 The probably extended inhumation of an adult female c25-35, skull face down at the E, and a femur next to it, the bones much disturbed and not all surviving, accompanied by fragments of a bone comb of late Romano-British type.

3 A post-natal infant inhumation in a very shallow grave.

4 A child inhumation c4-6 extended in a grave 0.25m deep oriented head to W, hands across pelvis.

5 The cremation of a child c1-2 in a pot buried together with an accessory vessel in a pit c0.5m wide x 0.3m deep, north of inhumation No 2. Associated with the cremation was an iron brooch of Colchester type.

6 A probable cremation, the context consisting of a group of pots whose contents had already been removed by workmen. Some would have contained cremations, the others being accessory vessels. A stone pendant and a glass bead also appear to have been associated with this group.

7 In a small gully entering the ditch were a few fragments of adult limb bone.
Remains/Period Y1
County Buckinghamshire
Region SE
National grid square SP
X coordinate 795
Y coordinate 0
Bibliographic source Collard and Parkhouse 1993


© Internet Archaeology/Author(s)
Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004