Attitudes to Disposal of the Dead - Gazetteer Query Form

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Site name Oakridge II Estate, Basingstoke
Site number 1447
Burial codes 1001 1003 1021 1023 1026 1028 1030 1035 1041 1048 1051 1065 1075 1084 1098 1104 1106 1121 1129 1143 1153 1181
100bc-AD43 A Belgic burial and ditches and pits of a Late Iron Age settlement were recorded during housing development. The burial lay in a small pit in the chalk, and was a cremation of an unsexed individual c25-40, accompanied by a butt beaker, 2 imitation Gallo-Belgic platters, a small jar containing 8 calcined teeth, and three fragmentary jars. Fragments of burnt daub and the broken remains of an iron La Tene III brooch were also found. [The excavator dated the find to after the Roman Conquest on grounds of the presence of early grey ware.]
Remains/Period Y1
County Hampshire
Region S
National grid square SU
X coordinate 637
Y coordinate 534
Bibliographic source Macfarlane 1966, Oliver 1992


© Internet Archaeology/Author(s)
Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004