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Site name | Westhampnett Bypass |
Site number | 1552 |
Burial codes | 1005 1009 1021 1023 1025 1028 1030 1035 1041 1048 1051 1053 1065 1075 1084 1092 1098 1104 1111 1121 1129 1143 1153 1161 1181 |
100bc-AD43 | A cremation cemetery containing over 150 burials, with the remains usually placed on the bottom of a small circular grave accompanied by one or two pots. One of the vessels was frequently a pedestal urn. Brooches accompanied some burials, and all were either filiform types or Almgren 65, both of which date to the 1st Century BC. No later brooches were identified, and there were no Roman imports or imitations. Associated with the cemetery were other features. A series of small rectangular slots, occasionally appearing in cruciform arrangement, appear to have been dug to provide the updraught for the cremation pyres. Shallow deposits containing either carbonised wood or fired clay as well as cremated bone appear also to derive from pyres. The charcoal is mostly oak, but with some hazel. Some small rectangular enclosures to the east of the cemetery contained features similar to inhumation graves but no burials were discovered, and one contained fired clay and cremated bone. |
Remains/Period | Y1 |
County | Sussex |
Region | SE |
National grid square | SU |
X coordinate | 880 |
Y coordinate | 60 |
Bibliographic source | Fitzpatrick 1992 |
© Internet Archaeology/Author(s)
Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004