Attitudes to Disposal of the Dead - Gazetteer Query Form

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Site name Sutton Courtenay B
Site number 186
Burial codes 2006 2009 2021 2023 2026 2028 2030 2035 2043 2047 2051 2065 2075 2084 2091 2098 2104 2111 2121 2123 2128 2129 2143 2153 2181
8/700bc-100bc An isolated burial of a contracted inhumation c1.2m deep in a pit or small cavity, associated with a series of objects that Whimster suggests implies a sword grave and one or more Aylesford culture cremations. These objects were: 4 bronze brooches of Colchester La Tene III form, a bronze brooch of Langton Down form, a large brass ring possibly for sword suspension, an iron shield boss found over the chest, a fragmentary iron object, and a large dark-coloured pottery vessel inverted and placed on fragments of a tile.
Remains/Period Y2
County Oxfordshire
Region SE
National grid square SU
X coordinate 500
Y coordinate 940
Bibliographic source Whimster 1979, 1981


© Internet Archaeology/Author(s)
Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004