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Site name | Crig-a-Mennis, Liskey, Perranzabuloe |
Site number | 212 |
Burial codes | 4005 4009 4022 4024 4025 4028 4030 4031 4041 4045 4051 4053 4065 4075 4081 4085 4093 4096 4104 4111 4121 4129 4130 4141 4152 4153 4159 4161 4167 4181 4200 |
2500bc-14/1300bc | A composite bell barrow surrounded by an irregular causewayed ditch. Large orthostats reveted the turf exactly opposite the causeways. Within the turf mound were the remains of a stone ring. There was no central deposit: the centre was the site of a considerable fire of oak wood. Above this was a stony area containing a small quantity of calcined bone, possibly a spread-out cairn, or the remains of a stone mortuary house. To the north of this heap was a spur of stones carefully set out over an oval pit containing charcoal and organic matter. Above the stones, in charcoal, was a small quantity of cremated bone mixed with some matted fibrous material. A softened biconical urn was inverted over ash and charcoal and a possible carbonised leather button, in a shallow pit dug in subsoil covered by the turf stack in the south east quarter. A second biconical urn was in the north east quarter inverted over a shallow pit covered by a slate slab. The urn was filled nearly to the top with soil containing some very small fragments of calcined bone, 2 calcined flakes, 3.5 biconical terracotta beads, a discoidal quartz pebble and a clay cone. A miniature cup was found crushed by the north west ramp through the ditch. In the north side of the ditch on the floor was found a possible wooden scythe handle in charcoal form. There were two passages through the ditch, one a ramp to the north east, the other a causeway to the south west. RC: NPL-193 1565 +/- 90 |
Remains/Period | Y4 |
County | Cornwall |
Region | SW |
National grid square | SW |
X coordinate | 757 |
Y coordinate | 528 |
Bibliographic source | Christie 1960, 1976 |
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Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004