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Site name | Carvinack Barrow, Tregavethan |
Site number | 214 |
Burial codes | 4005 4009 4021 4023 4025 4028 4030 4035 4037 4041 4048 4051 4053 4065 4075 4081 4084 4085 4093 4094 4096 4104 4111 4128 4143 4152 4154 4161 4162 4171 4181 |
2500bc-14/1300bc | Turf mound barrow, with a white vein quartz capping over a grey earthen layer. A secondary cremation was in the north east quadrant, calcined bone fragments bound in with roots and charcoal traces, possibly deposited in a bag outlined now only by an orange pan 0.8m below the barrow surface. There were two scatterings of Trevisker II ware potsherds on the barrow top, one including 2 stone discs. A peripheral ring of white quartz enclosed the floor of the mound. on which was set 3 quartz cairns. Pink clay sealed the floor and the smallest of the cairns. A stake fence on the inner side of the quartz ring held it in place. Each cairn covered a pit cut into the subsoil and was sealed by the pinky-purple clay. A cupped pebble was found on the old ground surface. Cairn I was oval, extending from the centre into the south west quadrant, and covered a long pit but no burial was detected. Cairn II was oval, in the north east quadrant, and contained a carefully placed cremation burial in a well cut pit. The cremation rested on a yellow-white clay lining, was covered by turves on which a large stone rested surrounded by small stones, and from its shape may have been placed in a bag. Cairn III covered a pit at whose base were two cremations in a long narrow space lined with quartz. The south cremation comprised small pieces of calcined bone entangled in roots and soil. The second was in a developed A Beaker, inverted possibly with a cloth covering its mouth, and in the form of a tangle of root, bones and soil. There was an Early Bronze Age ridged food vessel smashed on the cairn floor. Other general features included 4 pits or hollows with soil and charcoal flecked fill, one under a heap of quartz, one containing a large quartz block and being ringed with stones. Due north of Cairn I was a 1.3m square quartz block platform, carefully built with flat sides up. Other finds on the barrow floor, in the ring, or in the turf barrow included: a cupped pebble, a burned flint knife, a grain rubber, a flint halberd-shaped implement, and casual worked flints. Four pots (one Trevisker 2) were inserted near the centre at the top of the mound, but no burial evidence was associated with them. |
Remains/Period | Y4 |
County | Cornwall |
Region | SW |
National grid square | SW |
X coordinate | 774 |
Y coordinate | 487 |
Bibliographic source | Dudley 1961 |
© Internet Archaeology/Author(s)
Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004