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Site name | Gough's Cave, Cheddar |
Site number | 318 |
Burial codes | 5001 5008 5021 5023 5026 5028 5030 5035 5042 5046 5051 5065 5075 5084 5098 5104 5111 5122 5143 5151 5181 |
3500bc - 2500bc | A skeleton accompnied by a large number of possibly Early Neolithic flint flakes was found in the cave, beneath a deposit of somewhat porous stalagmite. |
Remains/Period | Y5 |
County | Somerset |
Region | SW |
National grid square | ST |
X coordinate | 430 |
Y coordinate | 530 |
Bibliographic source | Balch 1914 |
© Internet Archaeology/Author(s)
Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004