Attitudes to Disposal of the Dead - Gazetteer Query Form

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Site name Cranham 3, Hungerfield Barrow
Site number 34
Burial codes 4005 4009 4021 4023 4025 4028 4030 4031 4043 4048 4052 4053 4065 4075 4084 4091 4098 4102 4104 4110 4128 4143 4152 4156 4160 4181
2500bc-14/1300bc A round barrow with 2 dry stone walls running N/S to the circumference in one direction at least. Between these was a cist formed by a concreted wall joining the 2 drystone walls. The cist contained the primary interment of an adult female and a child, cremated and covered by the remains of a pyre. The stones of the walls had been reddened by fire, and the walls had been built on the pyre site (there were ashes under the footings). 3 secondary interments, 2 cremations of children and one unburnt interment were below the barrow top in rubble and charcoal infill.
Remains/Period Y4
County Gloucestershire
Region SW
National grid square SO
X coordinate 913
Y coordinate 126
Bibliographic source Dorington and Rolleston 1885, Kinnes 1979, O'Neil and Grinsell 1960


© Internet Archaeology/Author(s)
Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004