Attitudes to Disposal of the Dead - Gazetteer Query Form

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Site name Sutton 268' Llandw
Site number 383
Burial codes 4005 4009 4021 4024 4025 4028 4030 4033 4043 4047 4051 4053 4065 4071 4075 4085 4093 4097 4103 4105 4107 4108 4109 4110 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 4128 4129 4143 4151 4152 4153 4154 4156 4161 4171 4181
2500bc-14/1300bc A round barrow with at the centre a rock cut pit 3.75m x 3m x 0.6m deep, on the floor of which was a rectangular setting of boulders forming a cist containing the crouched skeleton of an adult male c40, lying on the left side, head to N. The body had been pressed into the width of the cist with difficulty - much space was left lengthwise. With the burial was a Bi Beaker in fragments about the head, 7 barbed and tanged flint arrow heads, and a chert scraper. Around the burial and over the pit was a U-shaped cairn of stones, open to the south. This was covered by an earthen barrow, with a kerb of piled slabs sloping into a rock cut ditch. At two points, piles stones formed causeways across the ditch.

At the cairn base on the north side was cremation burial A of a male c18, inserted and covered with slabs. It was accompanied by a bronze knife blade and a bone bead, an inverted pygmy cup, and a charcoal spread. At the cairn foot and partly merged with this burial was a child (c11) inhumation. Outside the ditch to the north was cremation burial C of a child c7 or less, accompanied by a tripartite cinerary urn, a bone object, a flint barbed and tanged arrow head, and a flint knife. A mass of stones was deposited around the burial in an extension of the cairn.

There were three cremations of children c12, c7, and age indeterminate, in hollows D,E and F among the stones. There was some pig bone in D, and the charcoal had been inserted hot as it had burnt the soil. Deposits E and F were the same but less so. An adult human skull was placed near E.

The whole area was covered by a larger mound, centrally of soil, but peripherally of seemingly trampled turf. The base of the new mound was reveted by a stone wall 0.4m high. Inserted into the mound near the south west horn of the original cairn was cremation burial B of a female and a newly born infant in an overhanging rim urn, with three flint flakes overlying the urn. Another cremation burial X without grave goods was found near the south east horn.
Remains/Period Y4
County South Glamorgan
Region SW
National grid square SS
X coordinate 951
Y coordinate 723
Bibliographic source Fox 1943, 1959b


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Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004