Attitudes to Disposal of the Dead - Gazetteer Query Form

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Site name Beckhampton Avenue, Longstone Cove, Avebury
Site number 402
Burial codes 4001 4005 4021 4023 4025 4028 4030 4035 4042 4046 4051 4065 4072 4084 4091 4098 4101 4107 4112 4129 4143 4151 4181
2500bc-14/1300bc A burial of a crouched body, head to E, was laid on the old ground surface at the inner side of one of three grouped standing stones on the north side of Beckhampton Avenue forming a cell or cove. A Beaker accompanied the burial, which was of an adult of 'about middle age' and ' of medium size'.
Remains/Period Y4
County Wiltshire
Region S
National grid square SU
X coordinate 86
Y coordinate 693
Bibliographic source Cunnington M E 1913


© Internet Archaeology/Author(s)
Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004