Attitudes to Disposal of the Dead - Gazetteer Query Form

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Site name Aldbourne 8, Sugar Hill Down
Site number 527
Burial codes 4001 4005 4021 4023 4025 4028 4030 4035 4041 4048 4051 4065 4075 4084 4091 4098 4104 4111 4112 4122 4123 4143 4152 4153 4154 4171 4181
2500bc-14/1300bc A bowl barrow with a chalk capping covering an earthen mound over a central cairn of sarsen stones. A quantity of burnt matter, charcoal, earth and flints were in the mound in the north west quadrant extending over the centre and into the south east, 0.6m below the surface. Immediately below this at the centre was the sarsen cairn 3.6m in diameter and 1.7m high, soil free, with some stones of very large size.

The barrow floor was thickly strewn with charcoal around the cairn, but was not burnt. Under the cairn was a pit 0.9m x 0.6m x 0.45m deep, containing the cremated bones of an adult covered by 10 small sarsen stones on which were placed a bronze knife and an unburnt pin, all on the north side of the grave. A piece of cinerary urn was found in the mound, and numerous unburnt flint flakes and chippings.
Remains/Period Y4
County Wiltshire
Region S
National grid square SU
X coordinate 242
Y coordinate 784
Bibliographic source Greenwell 1880, Goddard 1913


© Internet Archaeology/Author(s)
Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004