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Site name | Frampton 5, Long Ash Lane |
Site number | 690 |
Burial codes | 4005 4009 4021 4024 4025 4028 4030 4035 4043 4047 4051 4053 4065 4071 4073 4075 4081 4083 4093 4098 4104 4108 4111 4121 4125 4128 4143 4152 4153 4161 4181 |
2500bc-14/1300bc | A bowl barrow of four phases. Phase I seems to have been a probable crouched Beaker inhumation (No 7), oriented N, disturbed by the pit dug for burial No 5. Parts of the skull and an articulated hand remained, and bone fragments with Beaker sherds were in the pit fill. Phase II was a small chalk rubble and brown earth mound on the old turf line surrounded by a ditch, and covering a central inhumation (No 6) in an oval grave comprising an adult on its right side in a crouched position, hands before the face, head to S, unaccompanied by grave goods. A secondary inhumation (No 5) was dug through the Phase II mound 2.4m east of the centre and 0.15m below the old turf line, a circular pit containing an adult on its left side, head to N, and crouched, hands before face, and a bronze awl on the skull. To the east of the skull and 0.3m away was a small plank set on edge, and leading from it a line of bony substance terminating in a second carbonised wooden mass. Some animal bones were near the plank-like object (food accompanying the burial?). A flint cap was added to the inner mound to seal the pit of No 5. Phase III burials No 3 and No 4 cut through the flint cap. Burial No 3 was an inhumation, contracted, head to NW, in a pit chalk filled at the bottom, the walls roughly lined with flint. A thin layer of blackish material covered the chalky surface around the body which was accompanied by a small food vessel on its side, mouth to the face of the skeleton. There were also some animal bones as with No 5. Immediately below and divided by thin chalk and a spread of large flints, in a pit lined with flints and small chalk was a skeleton of a young person on its left side, head to N, crouched, hands before the face, unaccompanied by grave goods, and with foot bones missing. An enlarged mound covered burials No 3 and 4 in three layers of dark earth (No 4), lighter earth and clean chalk rubble (No 3), the latter taken from the digging of the outer ditch, the inner ditch having silted up by this time. In Phase IV there were three cremation burials, the earliest (cremation 2) being an upright food vessel containing chalk and brown earth, with the cremated remains outside the pot to the north, and on them 6 unburnt blue faience beads. Flint and bones covered the cremation, the whole being inserted into the top of the Phase III mound. Cremation 3 was later by stratigraphy, and comprised an inverted bipartite urn, the whole being inserted into the top of the Phase III mound partly cutting cremation 2's pit. Cremation 1 was in an inverted food vessel sealed by a capping of large flints which in turn was covered by an earth and chalk layer, and finally by a chalk rubble and earth capping. The last two layers ran over the outer ditch, the last sealing the whole mound. |
Remains/Period | Y4 |
County | Dorset |
Region | S |
National grid square | SY |
X coordinate | 636 |
Y coordinate | 948 |
Bibliographic source | Grinsell 1959, Forde-Johnson 1959 |
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Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004