Attitudes to Disposal of the Dead - Gazetteer Query Form

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Site name Winterborne St Martin 44, Eweleaze Farm (E)
Site number 789
Burial codes 4005 4009 4021 4023 4025 4028 4030 4035 4043 4047 4051 4053 4065 4071 4075 4081 4085 4098 4101 4104 4108 4111 4128 4129 4143 4152 4153 4161 4162 4181
2500bc-14/1300bc A bowl barrow with two primary inhumations and a secondary cremation. The latter was of a child c5 wrapped in a woven bag of grass stems and placed in an inverted collared urn resting on a stone slab, the whole interment being 0.45m from the barrow surface. The first inhumation was in a ledged oval pit 0.7m deep in the natural chalk, oriented NS. The body was of a young male crouched on its right side, head to S, facing east, and covered with chalk rubble and nodular flints. In this filling was a quantity of bones of young children and fragments of carbonised wood. At the grave bottom was a broken ornamental food vessel accompanying the inhumation. The second inhumation was in an oval pit dug 0.9m into the natural chalk and of a male, crouched, oriented NW/SE, head to NW, facing north east, on its left side and unaccompanied. It was covered by a filling of chalk rubble and flints.
Remains/Period Y4
County Dorset
Region S
National grid square SY
X coordinate 648
Y coordinate 876
Bibliographic source Gray and Prideaux 1905


© Internet Archaeology/Author(s)
Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004