In each case, the subsample weight was 2kg.
Context | Height (m AOD) | Sample | Type of deposit | Comments on biota |
1017 | 13.2 | 10005 | ?surface deposit, perhaps dump rather than build-up | a few poorly preserved seeds from a small range of weed taxa, with some evidence for damp ground, perhaps trampled areas with impeded drainage; rather a large component of charcoal; traces of Trichuris eggs and phytoliths; quite large numbers of fly puparia (including Sphaeroceridae and Sepsidae), ?Heterodera (nematode) cysts and mites; small beetle assemblage typical of medieval York but quite probably mainly 'background fauna'; biota indicative of external deposition |
1101 | 13.4 | 20001 | pit fill in secondary cut 1108 | a low concentration of seeds showing variable preservation, most of them weeds, though with rather large numbers of toad-rush (Juncus bufonius L.) suggesting impeded drainage; trace of fig (Ficus carica L.) seeds; no parasitic nematode eggs, but abundant phytoliths; ?Heterodera cysts and mites abundant; some fly puparia; appreciable numbers of grain pests (Sitophilus granarius L.) and (Oryzaephilus surinamensis L.), remaining insects of mixed origins; nature uncertain, but perhaps including decayed stable manure |
1101 | 13.3 | 20002 | pit fill in secondary cut 1108 | a low concentration of seeds with variable preservation, though mainly poor; some matted 'grassy' debris; mainly weeds with some indicators of damp ground (J. bufonius again), and small numbers of Sphagnum imbricatum Hornsch. ex Russ., a peat-bog moss; traces of fig seeds; no parasitic nematode eggs; numerous fly puparia, mites and ?Heterodera cysts; 'many' grain pests and Ptinus fur (L.), 'several' individuals of three other house fauna taxa and smaller numbers of some others; hints of 'stable manure' decomposers; probably at least partly stable manure |
1102 | 13.2 | 20003 | pit fill in secondary cut 1108 | a low concentration of seeds, several of them charred; mainly weeds of cultivated soils and waste places, perhaps from straw; trace of fig seeds; trace of Trichuris eggs; numerous mites, fly puparia and pupae, ants, and ?Heterodera cysts; grain pests and house fauna, traces of 'stable manure' decomposers; probably at least partly stable manure, with perhaps some human faeces |
1104 | 13.1 | 20004 | pit fill in secondary cut 1108 | a low seed concentration; mainly weeds; some mineralised remains (oats, Avena) sp.; trace of fig seeds; trace of Trichuris eggs and several diatoms; numerous puparia and mites; appreciable numbers of grain pests; remaining beetles suggest a variety of origins; traces of eggshell membrane, fish scale and fish bone; apparently mixed waste material, perhaps including human faeces |
1105 | 13 | 20005 | pit fill in secondary cut 1108 | low concentration of seeds, preservation variable; mainly weeds, a few wetland/wet grassland taxa; moderate numbers of fig seeds; numerous ?Heterodera cysts and mites, some ants and fly puparia; appreciable numbers of grain pests and a somewhat mixed decomposer beetle fauna; traces of eggshell membrane and fish bone; apparently mixed waste material, perhaps including human faeces |
1106 | 12.9 | 20006 | pit fill in secondary cut 1108 | moderate concentration of seeds, with variable preservation; mainly weeds, but moderate numbers of fig seeds, corncockle (Agrostemma githago) seed fragments and Juncus bufonius seeds; one charred grape (Vitis vinifera) seed fragment; a few Trichuris eggs and phytoliths; very abundant fly puparia; numerous mites; numerous grain pests and indications of house fauna; traces of eggshell membrane and fish bone; apparently mixed waste material including domestic debris, and perhaps including human faeces |
1111 | 12.8 | 20007 | fill of very large pit (cut may be 1113) | very largely faecal concretions and wood fragments (including some 'chips') with abundant seeds of goosefoot (Chenopodium Section Pseudoblitum) and moderate numbers of corncockle seed fragments and celery-leaved crowfoot; remaining taxa a mixture of weeds and wetland plants; trace of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) seed fragments; abundant fly puparia, including Sepsidae and Sphaeroceridae; mixed urban beetle assemblage, but with a substantial aquatic component (also traces of Daphnia ephippia); traces of eggshell and eggshell membrane, bone (some of it burnt), including fish bone and fish scale; pit functioning as depression with temporary open water, receiving mixed waste |
1004 | 13.6 | 30001 | surface deposit or uppermost extant fill of large pit 1015 | a low concentration of seeds, rather poorly preserved; moderate numbers of fig, weld (Reseda luteola) and toad-rush seeds, the remaining taxa mainly weeds; trace of Sphagnum imbricatum leaves; trace of Trichuris eggs and abundant phytoliths; mixed beetle fauna; interpretation uncertain |
1004 | 13.5 | 30002 | surface deposit or uppermost extant fill of large pit 1015 | a moderate concentration of seeds with variable preservation, but often quite good; moderate numbers of several taxa, including fig and several weeds (some charred cornfield weeds); trace of flax capsule fragments; abundant phytoliths and some diatoms; numerous fly puparia; very small beetle assemblage; traces of fish bone; interpretation uncertain |
1014 | 12.9 | 30004 | fill of pit 1015 | moderate concentration of seeds with mostly good preservation; large numbers of fig seeds, and a single charred grape seed fragment; remaining taxa mainly weeds, but several Sphagnum imbricatum leaves; one Trichuris egg and a few diatoms and phytoliths; subjectively includes stable manure beetle fauna; perhaps mixed organic waste, including food waste and conceivably also stable manure |
1107 | 13.2 | 40003 | fill of pit 1015 | low seed concentration, mostly with moderate to poor preservation; moderate numbers of fig seeds, the remainder essentially weeds or wetland taxa; traces of hazel (Corylus avellana) nutshell; trace of Trichuris eggs and some phytoliths; appreciable numbers of grain pests, remaining beetles a small typically urban assemblage; traces of fish bone and eggshell membrane |
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Last updated: Wed Mar 6 2002