
Firstly, our thanks are due to the editor, Judith Winters, for encouraging publication of this project.

It was being selected to take part in the inaugural Diploma in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education at Oxford University that spurred us on to investigate the relationship between educational theory and archaeology, and to experiment with the practical aspects, especially in tutorials. We are indebted to the course director, Suzanne Shale, for that opportunity.

Many of the initiatives expressed here are surely the outcome of fruitful interaction among our peers and in particular, the group who so willingly agreed to participate in the workshop and ensure its success. For that we express our gratitude to John Barton, John Bennet, Anne Bowtell, Deborah Harlan, Susan Keates and Lucia Nixon.

Last but not least, the co-operation of our students, as learning examples, is remembered appreciatively. Without them, none of this would have been possible.


Last updated: Wed Aug 21 2002

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