
We thank the British Academy for funding the use-wear analysis undertaken in this study and for funding the preparation for publication in Internet Archaeology. We also thank La Trobe University Research Grants Committee for generously funding the fieldwork during which the ethnographic data and flake tools were collected. We are also grateful to the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne for supplying laboratory space and microscope for the use-wear analysis. We warmly thank our colleague Robert Shiel for so ably and cheerfully assisting us in the statistical analysis of the lithic, functional and ethnographic data. We also thank Wola friends for co-operating in the study, and for manufacturing and using the flake tools that comprise the assemblage analysed here, especially Maenget Pes, Mayka Sal, Wenja Muwiy Ind Kuwliy and Wenja Puwn. Figures 20–46 were drawn by John Davies, Rick Renton and Sheila Day and hard-copy page layouts prior to scanning were done by Chris Bond, all of the Archaeological Illustration Group (AIG), Newcastle upon Tyne. Figures 6–19 were taken from Roger Grace's website with thanks. David Trotzig is to be thanked for providing the information on Reichian functional reasons for storing. Finally, thanks to Graeme Warren and Caroline Wickham-Jones for their very helpful comments.


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Last updated: Wed Oct 8 2003