Appendix 6.8

The Incidence of Montans Samian in Britain

For this ware see the significant section in a paper by Hartley (1972b) and the summary in Tyers (1996, 112-3). For fabric and other details see Tomber and Dore (1998, 29).


By administrative region and site.

This catalogue lists the occurrence of items from this source recorded by the author in the course of the study. Whilst the distribution of this ware in Britain was not researched exhaustively it is hoped that this detailed list will be a useful resource. The nature of the distribution is discussed in the text (cf. Section 6.6).

Paul Tyers has mapped a distribution of this ware in Britain. Dr Tyers had recorded 19 sites in Britain with this ware present as at Feb. 2003



Pryor, F.M.M., French, C.A.I., Crowther, D.R., Gurney, D., Simpson, G. and Taylor, M. 1985. The Fenland Project 1: Archaeology and Environment in the Lower Welland Valley 1, East Anglian Archaeology Report 27.

Wild, F.C. 1985b. The samian, in Pryor et al. The Fenland Project 1: Archaeology and Environment in the Lower Welland Valley 1, East Anglian Archaeology Report 27, 123-4.

Site type: Rural.

A Drag. 37 from Montans is represented amongst a collected site assemblage of approx. 83 vessels identifiable to form; it contains elements in the style of the late Montans potters cf. Chresimus and Malcio (Wild 1985, 124). From F.254 (a Pit), Phase 9; this phase is dated as "later third to early fourth centuries AD".

The Channel Islands - Guernsey:

St. Peter Port, Cow Bay

Burns, R.B. and Burns, A.G. 1985. Gallo-Roman finds from Guernsey and Herm, La Société Guernesiaise Report and Transactions 21, Part 5, 652-66.

Site type: ? Smaller centre.

A Drag. 30 or 37, c. AD 100-140 is reported (Burns and Burns 1985, 657, Fig. 3 No. 1).



Montans samian is reported to be present (eg. cf. Mills 2000, 48; cf. Hartley 2000, 181).


Site type: Smaller centre / industrial site.

A Drag. 27 and a Drag. 33 both provisionally identified as Montans samian of approximate Hadrianic-early Antonine date were represented amongst the recovered pottery (pers. comm. Jerry Evans).

In addition, the base of a cup stamped 'Q. V. C.' in Montans fabric occurs (pers. comm. Jerry Evans).


Montans samian is reported to be present, including at least 1 decorated bowl (eg. cf. Hartley 1972b; cf. Mills 2000, 48; cf. Hartley 2000, 181).


Birdoswald fort, Birdoswald Spur, Site 590, 1996

Wilmott, T. forthcoming. Excavations at Birdoswald Spur, Site 590.

Willis, S.H. forthcoming f. The samian pottery, in T. Wilmott, Excavations at Birdoswald Spur, Site 590.

Site type: Roman military fort.

One item occurs amongst a samian assemblage of c. 313 sherds (300 from excavations; 13 from environmental samples): A small body sherd, form not identifiable (c. AD 110-200), from topsoil, context 116. [Identification SHW].

Birdoswald, 'Time Team' excavations in the western vicus 1999

Willis, S.H. 2000c. Dated catalogue and assessment of the samian pottery from the 'Time Team' excavations at Birdoswald, 1999.

Site type: Military, extra-mural.

Two items occur amongst a samian assemblage of 94 sherds from a variety of contexts:


A Drag. 37 from Montans stamped by Felicio is known (Hartley 1972b, 44; cf. Mills 2000, 48).

Stanwix, vicus, Miles MacInnes Hall

Caruana, I. 2000. Observations in the vicus of Stanwix Roman fort on the site of the Miles MacInnes Hall 1986, Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society 100, 56-78.

Dickinson, B.M. 2000b. Samian ware, in I. Caruana, Observations in the vicus of Stanwix Roman fort on the site of the Miles MacInnes Hall 1986, Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society 100, 62-6.

Site type: Military, extra-mural.

1 vessel is represented amongst a group of approx. 34 vessels of pre-Antonine (mainly Hadrianic) date. Finds derive from systematic recovery of material during 'watching brief' and spoil scanning; material is essentially unstratified. Drag. 18/31 "pre-Antonine" (Dickinson 2000).

Dickinson states: "probably the first second-century piece from that pottery to be recorded on Hadrian's Wall, though the ware is widespread in Antonine Scotland" (2000, 62). [Identification BMD].



Holbrook, N. and Bidwell, P.T. 1991. Roman Finds from Exeter, Exeter Archaeological Report 4, Exeter.

Site type: (By this stage) Major civil centre.

A Drag. 37 with a leaf used by Attillvs is reported from the Antonine infilling of the second fortress ditch at Rack St (1975), this item dated "c AD 100-130" / "Hadrianic ?" (Dannell 1991, 58, No. 30; Holbrook and Bidwell 1991, 287).

Four stamped items occur, two of Iullus ii and two of Chresimus:


Woodlands, Knob's Crook

Fowler, P.J. 1965. A Roman barrow at Knob's Crook, Woodlands, Dorset, The Antiquaries Journal 45, 22-52.

Simpson, G. 1965. The pottery, in P.J. Fowler, A Roman barrow at Knob's Crook, Woodlands, Dorset, The Antiquaries Journal 45, (22-52), 34-5.

Site type: Barrow with cremation burial. This is a Roman period barrow; the barrow is apparently an 'isolated' feature.

Samian was the only pottery present, with several vessels represented.

One item is from Montans: probably Drag. 18, stamped 'FELICIONS', with exterior graffito QVIN[TI], "Felicio of Montans ... was a Neronian-Vespasianic potter" (Simpson 1965). Burial dated by excavator to c. AD 70-85. [Identification GS].

East Yorkshire:

Brough on-Humber 1958-61

Wacher, J.S. 1969. Excavations at Brough-on-Humber 1958-61, Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London, Report 25, The Society of Antiquaries, London.

Hartley, B.R. 1969a. The samian pottery, in J.S. Wacher, Excavations at Brough-on-Humber 1958-61, Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London, Report 25, The Society of Antiquaries, London, 107-32.

Site type: Military, becoming ?major civil centre.

A Drag. 37 is recorded, stamped 'C-RESIM[I]', being Chresimus, c. AD 115-45, from GIII 2 (Hartley 1969a, 129). [Identification BRH].


Colchester 1971-86

Dannell, G.B. 1999a. Decorated South Gaulish samian, in R.P. Symonds and S. Wade, Roman Pottery from Excavations in Colchester 1971-86, Colchester Archaeological Report 10, Colchester Archaeological Trust, Colchester, 13-74.

Dickinson, B.M. 1999e. Samian stamps, in R.P. Symonds and S. Wade, Roman Pottery from Excavations in Colchester 1971-86, Colchester Archaeological Report 10, Colchester Archaeological Trust, Colchester, 120-36.

Site type: Major civil centre

Dickinson reports the following 2 stamped items:

Dannell notes four decorated bowls:

Great Chesterford, The Braybrooke Collection, from, or believed to be from Great Chesterford

Willis, S.H. 2003. Dated catalogue and assessment report on the samian pottery from Great Chesterford, Essex, Report for Essex County Council.

Site type: Forts, Smaller civil centre and religious complex.

The following items were noted:

Great Chesterford, from 1948-9 excavations

Willis, S.H. 2003. Dated catalogue and assessment report on the samian pottery from Great Chesterford, Essex, Report for Essex County Council.

Site type: Forts, Smaller civil centre and religious complex.

The following items were noted:

Great Chesterford, Temple Precinct 1983-8

Willis, S.H. 2003. Dated catalogue and assessment report on the samian pottery from Great Chesterford, Essex, Report for Essex County Council.

Site type: Forts, Smaller civil centre and religious complex.

The following items were noted:

Great Chesterford, Churchyard 1986 (GCCY 1986)

Willis, S.H. 2003. Dated catalogue and assessment report on the samian pottery from Great Chesterford, Essex, Report for Essex County Council.

Site type: Forts, Smaller civil centre and religious complex.

The following items were noted:

Great Chesterford, from the excavations and fieldwork at The Vintners GC14

Willis, S.H. 2003. Dated catalogue and assessment report on the samian pottery from Great Chesterford, Essex, Report for Essex County Council.

Site type: Forts, Smaller civil centre and religious complex.

The following items were noted:

Heybridge, Elms Farm 1993-5

Dickinson, B.M. forthcoming. Samian, in M. Atkinson, Excavations at Heybridge, Elms Farm, 1993-5.

1 vessel occurs, described as Form "19" (Dickinson forthcoming).

Greater Manchester:


Montans samian is reported to be present (cf. Mills 2000, 48)



May, T. 1916. The Pottery found at Silchester, Reading.

A cup of Loeschcke 8 form is published by May, with the stamp 'AC' in a wreath (1916, Pls. III, 12; LXXXI A, I; cf. Boon 1967, 30).

Silchester, site of Forum-Basilica

Fulford, M.G. and Timby, J. 2000. Late Iron Age and Roman Silchester. Excavations on the site of the Forum-Basilica 1977, 1980-86, Britannia Monograph Series 15, Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, London.

Bird, J. 2000b. Summary, in M.G. Fulford and J. Timby, Late Iron Age and Roman Silchester. Excavations on the site of the Forum-Basilica 1977, 1980-86, Britannia Monograph Series 15, Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, London, 183-7.

Site type: Major civil centre.

The following forms are reported (Bird 2000b, 186):


A Drag. 37, apparently of Montans, is reported (Rogers and Lloyd 1966, 10, Fig. 2.39; Simpson 1976, 254).


Ariconium, Field HCM 21376, fieldwalking by Dean Archaeological Group

Fieldwalking undertaken c. Oct 1987 - April 1989.

Jackson, R. In Press. Weston-under-Penyard (Ariconium), Herefordshire: Excavations and Survey at the Major Iron Age Settlement and Roman Small Town, Worcestershire County Archaeological Service Monograph, CBA Research Report.

Willis, S.H. In Press. The Iron Age and Roman Pottery, in R. Jackson, Weston-under-Penyard (Ariconium), Herefordshire: Excavations and Survey at the Major Iron Age Settlement and Roman Small Town, Worcestershire County Archaeological Service Monograph, CBA Research Report.

Site type: Smaller centre / industrial complex.

A body sherd in Montans fabric occurs amongst a collection of 74 samian items from this exercise(s); the form is not identifiable; probably c. AD 70-100. From SO 6446 2399. [Identification SHW].


Baldock 1968-72

Stead, I.M. and Rigby, V. 1986. Baldock: The Excavation of a Roman and Pre-Roman Settlement 1968-72, Britannia Monograph Series 7, Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, London.

Dickinson, B.M. 1986. The samian potters' stamps, in I.M. Stead and V. Rigby, Baldock: The Excavation of a Roman and Pre-Roman Settlement 1968-72, Britannia Monograph Series 7, Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, London, 202-12.

Site type: Smaller centre / Religious focus?

The following items were noted:

Chells (Stevenage), Boxfield Farm 1990, Cremation Cemetery

Going, C.J. and Hunn, J.R. 1999. Excavations at Boxfield Farm, Chells, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire Archaeological Trust Report No. 2, Hertfordshire Archaeological Trust, Hertford.

Dickinson, B.M. 1999a. Samian, in C.J. Going and J.R. Hunn, Excavations at Boxfield Farm, Chells, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire Archaeological Trust Report No. 2, Hertfordshire Archaeological Trust, Hertford, 84-7.

Site type: Rural.

The following items were noted:

Cremation Group GAS:

Verulamium, Insula XIV 1957-60

Frere, S.S., 1972. Verulamium Excavations. Vol. 1, Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London, Report 28, The Society of Antiquaries, London.

Hartley, B.R. 1972a. The samian ware, in S.S. Frere, Verulamium Excavations. Vol. 1, Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London, Report 28, The Society of Antiquaries, London, 216-62.

Site type: Major civil centre.

The following items are reported:

Verulamium, Insula XXII 1955

Frere, S.S. 1984. Verulamium Excavations. Vol. II1, Oxford University Committee for Archaeology Monograph 1, Oxford University Committee for Archaeology, Oxford.

Dickinson, B.M. 1984. The potters' stamps, in S.S. Frere, Verulamium Excavations. Vol. II1, Oxford University Committee for Archaeology Monograph 1, Oxford University Committee for Archaeology, Oxford, 175-80.

The following item is reported:



The following items are reported:



Mills, J.M. 2000. Samian, in C. Howard-Davis and K. Buxton, Roman Forts in the Fylde: Excavations at Dowbridge, Kirkham, Centre for North West Regional Studies, Lancaster University, Lancaster, 47-50 and 93-6.

Site type: A sequence of Roman military installations.

Montans samian is represented by a single sherd of second century date (Mills 2000). [Identification JMM].


Montans samian is reported to be present (cf. Dickinson 2000a, 204).


Dickinson, B.M. 2000a. Samian, in K. Buxton and C. Howard-Davis, Bremetenacum, Excavations at Roman Ribchester 1980, 1989-1990, Lancaster Imprints, Lancaster University Archaeological Unit, Lancaster, 202-24.

Site type: Roman military Fort.

Dickinson states that five examples of second century Montans ware were present amongst the assemblage from the 1980/1989-90 excavations (2000a, 204). One of these items occurs with the 'Q.V-C-' stamp of that source, dating to c. AD 115-30 (Dickinson 2000a, 223).

Dickinson further states that this brings the tally for this site to a minimum of 9 vessels (2000a, 204). [Identification BMD]


Site type: Associated with the Roman military.

A Drag. 37, of approx., Hadrianic-early Antonine date is represented amongst the recovered pottery (pers. comm. Jerry Evans).


Leicester, Causeway Lane

Clark, R. 1999. The Roman pottery, in A. Connor and R. Buckley, Roman and Medieval Occupation in Causeway Lane, Leicester, Excavations 1980 and 1991, Leicester Archaeology Monographs 5, University of Leicester Archaeological Services, Leicester, 95-164.

Site type: Major civil centre.

A Montans vessel is represented amongst a layer assigned to site phase 2G (Clark 1999, 117), this phase having a ceramic date of c. AD 100-125 and a stratigraphic date of early second century AD or later; this item is dated as first century. [Identification GBD and RC]



An "early Flavian" Drag. 37 of Felicio is recorded (Simpson 1965), presumably not Felicio iii as GS states that this Felicio was a Neronian-Vespasianic potter. This may be the vessel from the Bank of England.

The site of the Forum 1968-9

Philp, B. 1977. The Forum of Roman London: excavations 1968-9, Britannia 8, 1977, 1-64.

Dannell, G.B. 1977. The samian pottery, in B. Philp, The Forum of Roman London: excavations 1968-9, Britannia 8, 1977, (1-64), 45-50.

Site type: Major civil centre.

The following item is reported:

Bank of England

Stanfield, J.A. 1936. Unusual forms of terra sigillata: second series, The Archaeological Journal 93, 101-16.

A Drag. 29 variant was recovered, being the work of Felicio (Stanfield 1936, 106, Fig. 3, No.7).

28-32 Bishopsgate

Simpson, G. 1984. A Montans bowl from Bishopsgate, in P. Tyers, An assemblage of Roman ceramics from London, The London Archaeologist 4/14, 368.

A near complete Drag. 37 from this source is reported; it was not stamped but is dated c. AD 120-150 (Davies et al. 1994, 214 and 225; Simpson 1984, 368). From Ceramic Phase 5, c. AD 140-60, Pit 345.

5-12 Fenchurch St 1983

Montans samian is present, albeit in tiny proportion (36g) in deposits of Phases 1-2, c. AD 50-60. Forms represented: Drag. 18; Drag. 33 (Chadburn and Tyers 1984).

New Fresh Wharf 1974-8

Bird, J. 1986a. Samian wares, in L. Miller, J. Schofield, and M. Rhodes, The Roman Quay at St Magnus House, London. Excavations at New Fresh Wharf, Lower Thames Street, London 1974-78, London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Special Paper No. 8, London, 139-98.

Two vessels of later Montans ware occur, dated c. AD 110-45, these being Drag. 37 bowls of the Malcio-Chresimus/'Leaf Stamp' potter group (Bird 1986a, 140, 149, Nos. 2.9 and 2.10).

76-80 Newgate St (The GPO site) 1975

The following items are reported:

Regis House

Pryce, T.D. 1945. Report on the burnt samian from Regis House, in G.C. Dunning, Two fires of Roman London, The Antiquaries Journal 25, 63-76.

The following item is reported:

St Catherine Coleman

A group of nine burnt unused 2nd century Montans ware vessels occurs, including stamped vessels of Felicio iii, and 'Q.V-C-'. A number of cups are present stamped by 'Q.V-C-' and are identical to ones stamped by Felicio that are also present; c. AD 120-145 (cf. Dickinson 1986, 211; 2000a, 223; Hartley 1972b, 43).

Sugar Loaf Court 1982

Montans samian is present, albeit in tiny proportion (32g) in deposits of Phases 1-2, c. AD 50-60.

Museum Collections

A Drag. 29 variant, apparently of Montans ware, is reported (Stanfield 1929, 118, Fig. 2, No. 3; Simpson 1976, 263). This item was in The Guildhall Museum.

North Yorkshire:

Aldborough 1961

Snape, M., Bidwell, P.T. and Croom, A. 2002. Aldborough Roman Town: excavations by Miss D. Charlesworth, 1961-73, and by RCHME 1959-60, The Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 74, 29-111.

Willis, S.H. 2002. The samian, in M. Snape, P.T. Bidwell, and A. Croom, Aldborough Roman town: excavations by Miss D. Charlesworth, 1961-73, and by RCHME, 1959-60, The Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 74, 69-80.

Site type: (Becoming a) Major civil centre.

The following item is reported:


Wilson, P. 2002. Cataractonium (Catterick) and its Hinterland: Excavations and Research 1958-1997, two vols, CBA Research Reports 128 and 129.

The following item is reported:

A sherd, from a bowl or dish, fashioned as a counter occurs, c. AD 70-200.

Stanwick, The Tofts Field 1984-9

Haselgrove, C.C., Fitts, R.L. and Willis, S.H. Forthcoming. Excavations in the Tofts Field, Stanwick, North Yorkshire 1984-9, Yorkshire Archaeological Report, Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Roman Antiquities Section Monograph series, Leeds.

The following item is reported:


A Drag. 37 stamped by Chresimus is recorded (Hartley 1972b, 43; cf. Wild 1985b, 124).

York, 35-41 Blossom Street 1989

Monaghan, J. 1997. Roman Pottery from York, York Archaeological Trust and the CBA, York.

Dickinson, B.M. 1997c. Samian, in J. Monaghan, Roman Pottery from York, York Archaeological Trust and the CBA, York, 943-66.

The following items are reported:

Two vessels from Montans were recovered including a Drag. 37 ascribed to Felicio iii, c. AD 115-140 (Monaghan 1997, 948; Dickinson 1997c, 957, Fig. 379 No. 3454).



Site type: Major civil centre.

The following items are reported:

Wroxeter, the site of the Forum

A Montans item with the 'Q.V-C-' stamp of that source is reported, dating to c. AD 115-30 (Dickinson 2000a, 223).

South Yorkshire:


Dickinson notes the occurrence of a possible sherd of this ware from the site (1997c, 944).


Rocester, Orton's Pasture

Ferris, I.M., Bevan, L. and Cuttler, R. 2000. The Excavation of a Romano-British Shrine at Orton's Pasture, Rocester, Staffordshire, BAR British Series 314, Archaeopress, Oxford.

Willis, S.H. 2000b. The samian pottery, in I.M. Ferris, L. Bevan and R. Cuttler, The Excavation of a Romano-British Shrine at Orton's Pasture, Rocester, Staffordshire, BAR British Series 314, Archaeopress, Oxford, 38-45.

Site type: Probable shrine, possibly military.

The following items are reported:

From Phase 1 deposits dated c. AD 85-150:



Martin, E. 1988. Burgh: The Iron Age and Roman Enclosure, East Anglian Archaeology, Report 40, Suffolk County Planning Department, Suffolk County Council.

Dickinson, B.M. and Hartley, B.R. 1988. Samian pottery, in E. Martin, Burgh: The Iron Age and Roman Enclosure, East Anglian Archaeology, Report 40, Suffolk County Planning Department, Suffolk County Council, 30-4.

Site type: Iron Age enclosure with conquest period 'occupation' and subsequent Roman period activity, with a potential villa.

The following item is reported:

Tyne and Wear:

South Shields

Bidwell, P. and Speak, S. 1994. Excavations at South Shields Roman Fort. Volume I, The Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne with Tyne and Wear Museums, Newcastle.

Hartley, B.R. and Dickinson, B.M. 1994. The samian ware, in P. Bidwell and S. Speak, Excavations at South Shields Roman Fort. Volume I, The Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne, with Tyne and Wear Museums, Newcastle, 206-8.

Site type: Roman military fort.

"There is one South Gaulish sherd, from Montans. This is perhaps the first example of second century Montans ware recorded from the Hadrian's Wall system, though it is common in Antonine Scotland. Here it will almost certainly be Hadrianic" (Hartley and Dickinson 1994, 206). [Identification BRH and BMD]


Alcester, Southern Extramural Area 1964-66

Cracknell, S. and Mahany, C. (eds) 1994. Roman Alcester: Southern Extramural Area 1964-1966 Excavations part 2: Finds and Discussion, CBA Research Report 97, York.

Hartley, B.R., Pengelly, H. and Dickinson, B.M. 1994. Samian ware, in S. Cracknell and C. Mahany (eds) Roman Alcester: Southern Extramural Area 1964-1966 Excavations part 2: Finds and Discussion, CBA Research Report 97, York, 93-119.

Site type: Smaller centre.

One vessel from this source is reported (Hartley, Pengelly and Dickinson 1994, 93):

West Sussex:


Luke, M. and Wells, J. 2000. New evidence for the origins, development and internal morphology of the Roman roadside settlement at Alfoldean, Sussex Archaeological Collections 138, 75-101.

Bird, J. 2000a. Samian ware, in M. Luke, and J. Wells, New evidence for the origins, development and internal morphology of the Roman roadside settlement at Alfoldean, Sussex Archaeological Collections 138, 75-101, microfiche M19-21.

Site type: Roadside settlement.

The following item is reported:

West Yorkshire:

Castleford, vicus

Dickinson notes the occurrence of a single sherd of this ware from the vicus (1997c, 944).



Three sherds of Drag. 37 occur in this ware (Hartley 1972b, 43).


A vessel stamped 'CEFLICIO' retrograde, being Felicio iii, die 5a, c. AD 120-145 occurs (Dickinson 1986, 205; cf. Hartley 1972b, 43). At least two Drag. 37s have, evidently, been forthcoming from this site (Hartley 1972b, 43-4).

Bar Hill

Robertson, A.S., Scott, M. and Keppie, L. 1975. Bar Hill: A Roman Fort and its Finds, BAR British Series 16, Oxford.

Docherty, K. and Wild, F.C. 1975. Samian ware, in A.S. Robertson, M. Scott and L. Keppie, Bar Hill: A Roman Fort and its Finds, BAR British Series 16, Oxford, 127-36.

The following item is reported:


Several decorated bowls from Montans have been recorded (Hartley 1972b, 44). These include the following:


A sherd from a decorated bowl is thought by Brian Hartley to possibly come from a Montans product (Hartley 1972b, 44).


Rae, A. and Rae, V. 1974. The Roman fort at Cramond, Edinburgh: excavations 1954-66, Britannia 5, 163-224.

Hartley, B.R. 1974. The decorated samian, in A. Rae and V. Rae, The Roman fort at Cramond, Edinburgh: excavations 1954-66, Britannia 5, 199-204.

The following item is reported:


The following items are reported:


The following items are reported:


A decorated bowl attributable to Attillvs is reported, c. AD 120-145 (Hartley 1972b, 44; 1989, 216).


The following items are reported:


Old Kilpatrick

The following items are reported:

Rough Castle

A Drag. 37 is recorded (Hartley 1972b, 45).


Approximately ten vessels (all of second century date) from various contexts are represented amongst the samian from the 1973-86 excavations (Frere and Hartley 1989). This is a comparatively high proportion of what is a relatively modest sized second century samian assemblage:

Traprain Law

A Drag. 18 of Chresimus is reported, stamped 'CHRE.S.IMI', c. AD 120-145 (Hartley 1972b, 43; cf. 19891989, 212).


Caerleon, The Canabae 1984-90

Evans, E. 2000. The Caerleon Canabae: Excavations in the Civil Settlement 1984-90, Britannia Monograph Series 16, Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, London.

Hartley, B.R. 2000. The samian, in E. Evans, The Caerleon Canabae: Excavations in the Civil Settlement 1984-90, Britannia Monograph Series 16, Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, London, 178-97.

Site type: Military, extra-mural.

The following items are reported:

An aggregate of 3 examples is therefore documented amongst an overall samian assemblage of 3218 vessels, from all contexts, at Riding School Field, Cambria House, and Smallholding (Hartley 2000, 179-81). The 27 came from the Riding School field site. [Identification BRH].

Pennal / Cefn Caer, Roman fort hinterlands Project 2002/3

Site type: Roman military site.

A Drag. 27, of, approx., Hadrianic-early Antonine date was represented amongst the recovered pottery (pers. comm. Jerry Evans).