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Site | Segontium (Caernarfon) 1975-9. Period 5 (various context types) |
Category | Military |
Date Range | c AD 98-105 |
Number of Vessels in Group | 41 |
EH Region | Wales |
County | Gwynedd |
Bibliography | Casey et al. 1993; King & Millett 1993 |
Context Type | Various inc. barrack block & road surface contexts |
Context Label | Various |
Dating Qualifications and Evidence | SD & ED: no dating qualifications; one Republican coin, one coin of AD 85+ and one coin of AD 87 |
Type | Form | Samian Value | No of Vessels | Stamp |
SGLG 15/17 | Platter | 125 | 1 | |
SGLG 18 | Platter | 625 | 5 | |
SGLG 18/31 | Dish | 125 | 1 | |
SGLG 27 | Cup | 2000 | 16 | OFRVFI retrograde = Rufus iii, Die 3g |
SGLG 27g | Cup | 125 | 1 | |
SGLG 29 | Dec Bowl | 375 | 3 | |
SGLG 33 | Cup | 625 | 5 | |
SGLG 35 or 36 | Cup or Dish | 250 | 2 | |
SGLG 37 | Dec Bowl | 500 | 4 | |
SGLG Déch 67 | Dec Beaker | 250 | 2 | |
LMV 37 | Dec Bowl | 125 | 1 | |
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Last updated: Mon Mar 22 2004